Mask, when will the obligation expire? Vaccinated and rules in the office, all the answers –

by time news

With the percentage of vaccinated adults rising every week, the regions practically all in the yellow band and the circulation of the virus decreasing, we are looking at the next concessions, with respect to behaviors and environments, which will bring us ever closer to the new normal. One of the themes is the use of masks in the workplace compared to how many vaccinated there are (or will be) in a company, institution or company.
In the US, the bank JP Morgan, which has begun to require its employees to return to work in person for a few days a week, has sent a memo to employees stating that fully vaccinated personnel should not wear masks.

With us when will it be possible?
At this moment, with the current circulation of the virus and with the percentage of vaccinated people there, the message that indoors you can take off your masks can’t get through – he replies Antonella Viola, immunologist and professor of Pathology at the University of Padua -, we could do it when we’re all vaccinated, or precisely in contexts where there are already only immunized people. Moreover, a problem of privacy and relative control should be raised.

Is it possible to discard the hypothesis that only the vaccinated are removed from their masks? Why?
better to keep them all out of respect for those who are not protected and because we have said that the surgical mask is really needed so as not to infect others, especially if they are susceptible or, worse, at risk. one more scruple because we know that the vaccine greatly reduces the possibility of infecting, but for now it’s better.

Does it apply to both large open spaces and small offices?
Whether it’s a large space or a room for a few people, we know that a super diffusion event is enough to create the problem. So, in my opinion, the message to be given must be clear: indoors the masks should only be removed if everyone present is vaccinated. As per the green pass directions, even if they are all vaccinated with only one dose.

Will this exclude works in which there is contact with the public for a long time?
Certainly until we are all vaccinated, in public offices we must go with masks. Since it is difficult to control who will be vaccinated or not, we must rely on the percentage of the population vaccinated at that time and on the circulation of the virus.

Does the workplace remain a risky place?
Like all closed places where many hours are spent in close contact. But we already knew this and therefore a great deal of work has been done on the security measures that have been put in place.

And the canteen?
The risk is increased by the fact that masks are not worn in the canteen, where we have to think of it as if it were a restaurant: with spacing and a controlled number of people we can go there. however, it is good that, after securing the frail, we start with vaccinations in the workplace, because at this moment they become one of the places where you can get infected.

Mascherine and Covid-19, the insights

May 19, 2021 (change May 20, 2021 | 14:47)


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