Mass demonstrations around the world to claim Pride

by time news

2023-07-02 10:48:53

The main cities of the world were the scene this past Saturday of massive marches to demand the LGBTI pride. From Barcelona to Quito, passing through London or South Korea, the vast majority of capitals and cities turned to commemorate this anniversary and fight for the rights of non-normative sexual groups.

In Barcelona the political tone and the pre-election atmosphere was present in the celebrations. The Pride march coincided with a Vox electoral act in the Catalan capital and some 500 protesters, of the 3,300 who mobilized, according to the Urban Guard -5,000 according to the organizers-, booed and confronted the far-right formation. A police cordon prevented the pro-LGBT protesters from mixing with militants and supporters of Santiago Abascal.

In Madrid, the march brought together some 800,000 people, according to the Government Delegation in Madrid, although the organizers assured that the attendees had been almost double, one and a half million. Numerous political representatives attended it and, in fact, the second vice president, Yolanda Diaz (Sumar) and the Minister of Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera (PSOE).

In London The festive atmosphere was mixed with environmental demands, which denounced the instrumentalization that the big energy companies make of the event. Tens of thousands of people celebrated a colorful and festive Pride Day parade in the British capital, which was interrupted for about 15 minutes by the environmental protest “Just Stop Oil” which considers some sponsors of the LGTBI march “highly polluting”. The police arrested seven people.

Not only in the West was the LGTBI community mobilized and tens of thousands of people attended the largest annual festival in South Korea this past Saturday, vowing to continue fighting for gay rights after the Seoul city government denied them a prominent position and gave it to an anti-LGBTI Christian group.

Latin America fights for equalization

From Peruthousands of citizens marched through the streets of the historic center of Lima to claim and demand “respect, tolerance and inclusion” during the Pride March 2023. “We are facing a country that refuses to see LGBTI human rights. In that sense , we are almost the only country that has not legislated in favor of these LGBTI human rights, we do not have an equal marriage law, we do not have a gender identity law, we do not have a law that classifies hate crimes,” denounced the spokesperson for the group “LGBTI Pride March of Lima”, Jorge Apolaya.

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In Bolivia, the streets of La Paz were filled with hundreds of rainbow flags that dozens of people waved in the Pride March in which colors, brightness and music predominated amid calls for tolerance and an end to homophobia and transphobia. From Quito “Education, employment and justice” was vindicated, since the Ecuadorian LGBTI community is still fighting for the acceptance of “single parent adoption” and the recognition of “diverse families, especially trans families”, who have been relegated in the fulfillment of their rights.

The Pride march promoted by the LGTBI+ community in Panama He called to respect the diversity of families, recalling that marriage between a man and a woman is not the only reality, demanding that civil unions between same-sex couples be legalized in the country. In 2008 Panama became the last country in Latin America to decriminalize homosexuality, by repealing a 1949 article that penalized “the sodomy“.

#Mass #demonstrations #world #claim #Pride

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