Massacre leaves eight fishermen dead in Esmeraldas, Ecuador

by time news

A new slaughter was reported this Tuesday in a fishing port of Esmeraldas, Ecuador, a town which has been in a state of emergency since last March and has left a balance, up to now of eight people dead.

According to the police commander of the province, Fausto Buenañoat least 15 hooded men arrived aboard several speedboats to the artisanal port, this Tuesday and committed the murders.

Then they began to shoot several times against the residents and fishermen who were on the spot. As a result of the Actionseight fishermen were killed.

According to the local police, this incident is the bloodiest that has ever occurred. happened in this maritime area of Esmeraldas, because although on other occasions there have been violent deathsnone in the magnitude of this Tuesday.

Behind the slaughter, the subjects fled in the same boat and the Ecuadorian Navy began their search. The National Police He also reported that intelligence units were activated to locate those responsible.

Last week, the president Guillermo Lasso authorized the carrying of arms to any citizen, in the midst of the security crisis who lives in the country

Source: TeleSur

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