Massacre on Shabbat night: the story of those murdered in the heinous attack in Jerusalem

by time news

Bloody Sabbath in Jerusalem: Seven Israelis were murdered on Saturday night in an attack on a synagogue in the Neve Ya’akov neighborhood of Jerusalem by the terrorist Alkam Khairi who was neutralized and later killed by a police force. Three more injured were evacuated to Hadassah Ein Kerem and Shaare Zedek hospitals. These are the seven murdered in the severe attack in Neve Ya’akov.

Cabinet meeting last night:

Ilya Sosansky

Tonight, the name of the last person murdered in the attack, 25-year-old Ilya Sosansky, who was shot by the terrorist and killed, was allowed to be published.

The scene of the attack Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

Irena Korolova

Irena, a citizen of Ukraine, has been in Israel for the past six years as a nursing worker. Ukrainian President Zelensky was informed of her death and commented on the attack: “We share with Israel pain after the terrorist attacks in Jerusalem. Among the victims is a Ukrainian woman. Sincere condolences to the families of the victims. The crimes were carried out with cynicism on International Holocaust Day. Terrorism must have no place in today’s world, neither in Israel nor in Ukraine “.

Asher Nathan Morley

Asher Natan, 14 years old at the time of his death, lived in a building near the scene of the attack. He was the oldest of eight children and went out after Shabbat dinner to meet friends. Asher’s parents heard the shooting and went to look for their son, until they realized that he had been murdered in the attack. He was laid to rest last night.

Photo: Courtesy of the family

Shaul is alive

Another person killed in the attack was the scribe of the “Zakor Lavraham” synagogue, Shaul Chai Hid, 68, who was on his way to a Torah lesson in Pisgat Ze’ev. Shaul had finished the Shabbat meal where he was staying with relatives and then made his way through the synagogue. The terrorist met him near the synagogue and also He was shot and killed.

Elijah lives

Shaul Hai Photo: Courtesy of the family

Raphael ben Eliyahu

Another person murdered in the attack whose name was found for publication is 56-year-old Raphael, Raphael was in his car on his way home when he heard the screams of the victims, he stopped a person who was shot by the terrorist. This morning his aunt was interviewed on “Network B” and said: “It’s unbelievable what happened to us, he was the only son of his mother, his brother was killed at the age of 13 and a half in a car accident 40 years ago and this Saturday was his memorial service.” His funeral will be held today at 12:00 on the Mount of Repose in Jerusalem.

Eli and Natalie's funeral

Eli and Natalie’s funeral Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

Eli Mizrahi and Natalie Ziskin

Last night the names of Eli and Natalie were already allowed to be published. The couple was at home when the gunshots were heard from the street, after leaving their home to try and help, the couple was shot by the terrorist and killed. Natalie, who immigrated to Israel with her family in the nineties, worked in a hospital as a food department and a few hours before the attack she returned from her job. She and her partner Eli went to visit his father in Jerusalem on the day of the attack, the two as mentioned died at night. They were laid to rest last night.

Photo: Courtesy of the family

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