Massimiliano Varrese Opens Up About Life After Grande Fratello: From Toxic Online Comments to Cherishing Fatherhood

by time news

Massimiliano Varrese guest on La Volta Buona shares his story: actor, dancer, among the finalists of Big Brother with a stay of 197 days. Born in 1976, he talked about his experience after the “most watched house in Italy” and his journey, starting from the beginnings with Raffaella Carrà.

Uomini e Donne, who will be the new tronisti? From the (possible) return of Ida Platano to Varrese’s self-nomination and also the name of Edoardo Sanson comes up.

The Interview

Massimiliano Varrese immediately starts with the experience of Big Brother. After his stay in the house, he indeed heard a lot about himself. “I had never encountered ‘toxic web’ in all my years of career – Varrese recounts.”

And which messages hurt the most? “There are people who have written defamatory messages about me. I’ve also received threats against me and my family. I have started a personal battle, declaring to the authorities that just because we put our face out there, we should not have to accept harmful and dangerous comments. I have recovered, but what about those who can’t? One must report it.”

The Beginnings and Private Life

Massimiliano Varrese then sees the photomontage that combines his features with those of Raffaella Carrà. “Raffaella Carrà chose me out of a thousand” he says, in fact, in 1998 he was discovered by her. “I was a ‘Càrramba boy’. That was my first moment in front of a large audience. I only understood our success over time.”

And your private life? “Now it is very peaceful. My daughter is the love of my life. What more can you want from life? I’ve become a crybaby when it comes to her.”


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