Massimo Ranieri Dismisses Retirement Rumors: Embracing Love and a New Tour Ahead

by time news

The Neapolitan singer and actor has denied rumors about the end of his career. Now he has a partner and says he is at peace. Already thinking about the upcoming summer tour.

Tommaso Pietrangelo


Author, journalist, singer-songwriter. Graduated in Foreign Literature, he is passionate about cinema, poetry, and Shakespeare. He writes songs and loves cats.

Massimo Ranieri Dismisses Retirement Rumors: Embracing Love and a New Tour Ahead

Source: Mediaset Infinity

He is 73 years old, but looks like a kid. Massimo Ranieri has lived a hundred lives, among cinema, music, and a lot, a lot of show business. But recently there were whispers of a retirement, also bringing up the serious injury he suffered on stage in Naples in 2022. Yet, in a new interview, Ranieri insists on setting the record straight. He talks about the future, the upcoming tour that will kick off soon, and a (not too distant) possibility of participating in the Sanremo Festival. And also about his new love with a younger partner. Who has taught him the importance of enjoying life, even as a couple. Let’s see all the details below.

Massimo Ranieri, from Sanremo to his new partner

Massimo Ranieri now talks about himself, which he doesn’t often (or willingly) do. But every now and then it’s necessary, just to assess the current situation, and also to respond to certain unpleasant rumors. So, the singer (real name Giovanni Calone) decided to open up to Il Messaggero, giving a long interview. “This profession is forever,” Massimo Ranieri begins. Then he lashes out against the idea that he should retire and hang up the microphone.

“Certain lies annoy me because I see malice and superficiality; I even made a post to refute them. Some people talk nonsense; it must be the heat.” However, there were some clues. Like the fact that two years ago, in 2022, Ranieri fell on stage at the Diana in Naples, breaking four ribs and injuring his right shoulder badly. He, however, took it as a positive sign. “I believe in God,” he says, “and I’m convinced He wanted to tell me: stop, you’re going 300 miles an hour and can only go a maximum of 250. I understood that and I want to slow down.” Which he indeed has done.

Now, however, a bright future lies ahead. Massimo Ranieri would like to record a new album, without rushing. Then on July 30, the summer tour begins, from North to South, until September 7. And there’s a half-hearted idea of participating in Sanremo: “If I feel I have the right song, I will do it, of course. Why not?” For sure, Carlo Conti would welcome him with open arms, eagerly seeking big names for the upcoming Festival. In the meantime, Ranieri is also thinking about the more private side of his life since he has recently found love. Unexpectedly.

To Il Messaggero, he reveals: “She is 15 years younger than me… Her name is Serena and she is not a part of my world: she is a teacher. We are doing great together and spending a few days on vacation. I am at a turning point: it’s time to settle down and fully experience the love of a woman. Loneliness can also be beautiful; I know this, but it’s better to be together. Watching a movie together, going for a walk, dining out… that’s what I want. Previously, I was building my career, but now what should I do? I have acted with Strehler, won Sanremo, and directed operas.” For Massimo Ranieri, now, it’s finally time to love.

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