Massive Counter Protest Against Legal Reform Continues Across Israel – Over 250,000 Participants in More Than 150 Locations

by time news

The protest against legal reform continued with over a quarter of a million protesters across 150 locations in Israel last night. The organizers state that 285,000 people participated in the various protests, with 135,000 in the main demonstration in Tel Aviv and 150,000 in other centers. Roy Neuman, one of the leaders of the protest, spoke about claims of a decrease in the number of protesters, stating that the achievement of close to 300,000 people protesting after 20 weeks is tremendous, and they will continue to fight until Israel remains a democracy.

Neuman criticized the budget and government funds, claiming that 14 billion shekels going to the government’s close friends is something out of proportion and loots public coffers. He stated that the coalition worked to turn Israel into a dictatorship and that they have to pay political bribes to a lot of friends to be quiet. There are no planned disruptions this week, with activities to be announced, and protests will continue next week.

In addition, Neuman commented on the storm caused by Galit Gutman’s inappropriate comment, stating that it is not proportionate to the lynching she is going through and that she has been a feminist speaking on LGBT community issues and hidden things. The article was assisted in preparation by Noya Hasson of 103fm.

counter protest The legal reform Continued last night with more than a quarter of a million protesters in about 150 different locations across the country. According to the organizers, 285 thousand people participated in the various protest events, of which 135 thousand in the main demonstration on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv and about 150 thousand in the other centers.

Roy Neumanone of the leaders of the protest against the legal reform, spoke this morning (Sunday) with Anat Davidov and Nissim Mashal on 103FM and addressed the claims of a decrease in the number of protesters: “Yesterday we mentioned 20 weeks into the struggle. If someone had told me at the beginning that 20 weeks into the struggle would come close to 300 thousand people, that we were able to stop the legislation or at least suspend it, that we were able to remove the conscription law from the chapter, I would say that he is delusional and insane. So for me, yesterday’s demonstration is a tremendous achievement, we will continue to fight, we will continue to do everything we can until Israel remains democracy”.

“We have reached money time”: Will the legal reform legislation be renewed after the budget is passed?

According to him, “This budget is a budget that is exactly part of the dictatorial moves – it’s taking public money from the taxpayers, and giving it to those close to the government. In coalition funds, it’s usually one billion to two billion shekels, here it’s 14 billion shekels that go to close ones and friends, that’s An unimaginable number. It’s something that is out of proportion to everything we’ve known.”

“There is a difference between two billion that are distributed to all the parties, and 14 billion shekels,” he claimed, saying that “these are numbers that are simply looting of the public coffers. It is true that coalition funds are bad, but that this is ten times what usually happens, it is no longer Proportional. The reason for this is that this is a government that is trying to turn Israel into a dictatorship and has to pay a lot of political bribes to a lot of friends in order for them to be quiet, so we will fight for it even if it is a little less popular.”

Later, he referred to the next protest steps and said that “we will continue to struggle and be in the streets until we are sure that Israel is a democracy. To remind you, from the first moment we said that we demand that all the laws of the dictatorship be repealed, Netanyahu can announce tomorrow morning, ‘We are not going for that, we will stay in the president’s house until Let there be white smoke, God willing, until they don’t do it, we will stay on the streets.” There are no planned disruptions this week, there will be all kinds of activities that we will announce during the day, and next week we will continue to demonstrate in Kaplan.”

“I actually think that we are very focused, we don’t splurge on things that are not related to the dictatorship. Also the matter of the budget, for example, these are really steps that happened in Poland and Hungary, which tried to become a dictatorship, so as long as that happens we will continue to demonstrate, even if we occasionally get criticized and that’s fine “, he added.

When finished, comment to the storm caused by the waitress Galit Gutman On the broadcast of the morning program on Bequest 12, he said that “”The phrase is very inappropriate, a very bad phrase. But between that and the lynching she is going through… this is about a woman who is a feminist. I watch her program every week, she insists on talking about murdered women and The LGBT community and hidden things in it. She did not express herself properly, there is no doubt, but between that and the lynching she is going through by people who call an entire camp traitors, terrorists, Nazis, pus, there is no proportion.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Noya Hasson 103fm

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