Mastering the Right Flossing Technique for Better Oral Health: Study Finds Significant Reduction in Bleeding Gums

by time news

2023-10-03 16:22:10
Improper Flossing Techniques Can Lead to Gum Problems, New Study Finds

According to previous studies, it seems that many of us have been flossing incorrectly. Not only can this result in bleeding gums, but it can also damage our gums, which is the opposite of what we are trying to achieve with dental floss.

Dr. Irina Dragan, a periodontist at Tufts University, warns that improper tooth brushing technique can create cracks in the gums and lead to gum recession. This information was reported by the “Science” website and the “Ellert” Scientific Journal of “Dental Health”.

Led by periodontist Dr. David Passali of Tufts University, a team of researchers including Dragan conducted a study to find a way to reduce bleeding gums, which is an indication of inflammation. The goal of using dental floss is to disrupt the biofilms created by oral microbes, as these can lead to inflammation elsewhere in the body, including the heart and brain, and have been linked to conditions such as cancer and diabetes.

In a randomized, single-blind clinical trial, a group of volunteers was given specific flossing instructions while a control group continued with their usual flossing routine. The trial period lasted for eight weeks, during which the 36 participants who showed early signs of dental disease were evaluated four times.

The results showed that 88 percent of the experimental group successfully mastered the flossing technique and experienced a 70 percent reduction in bleeding gums. On the other hand, the control group only saw a 30 percent reduction. It is normal for gums to bleed when returning to flossing after a period of time, but this should gradually improve with correct flossing techniques, as demonstrated by the experimental group.

The study outlines a specific flossing technique known as the Horizontal Vertical Threading Technique (AHVFT). Participants were instructed to cut about 32 cm (18 inches) of thread, wrap each end around their ring finger, leaving about 12 cm (6 inches) of floss between both hands. They were also instructed to gently place the floss between their teeth, using their thumb or index finger to control it and avoid cutting the gums. The floss should be moved up and down in a sawing motion, as if drying their back with a towel, and this technique should be repeated for all teeth.

The study participants were students and dental assistants, which may explain their enthusiasm for the new technique. Periodontist Paul Levy commented on the study, calling it the first to prove that using dental floss correctly can reduce gum infection. Levy expressed his personal interest in the study, stating, “As someone who has always had a complicated relationship with dental floss, I am keen on this experience.”

In conclusion, this study highlights the importance of using proper flossing techniques to maintain oral health. By following the Horizontal Vertical Threading Technique, individuals can reduce bleeding gums and improve overall gum health.]
#effective #easy #clean #teeth

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