Mathematics A HAVO Exam: Teacher Menno Lagerwey Shares His Thoughts

by time news

2023-05-23 17:43:23

Docent over…Nearly 186,000 students are currently taking part in the central written exams. In this section, each teacher assesses a final exam for vmbo, havo or vwo. This time teacher Menno Lagerwey (29) van YouTube-kanaal Math with Menno about the HAVO exam in mathematics A.

“It was quite a good exam,” says Menno. “There were a lot of questions that come up often, so students can practice well.” Certainly at havo, according to the teacher for mathematics A, the introductory stories can be quite long before the real calculations begin. “That went quite well. There was one exception: one assignment had an introduction about Formula 1 and that was a long story! You really had to plow through it before you got to the first problem, which then turned out to be not that difficult at all. But it does distract students. And then it immediately got a lot more difficult.”

In the statistics part, students had to explain that a sample is not random, not representative of everyone. Calculating with percentages was also widely discussed, according to the teacher. “Then you have to calculate, for example, how much growth there is per year. Nice for students, such standard exercises.” Extrapolation (predictive calculation with certain data) was also a common part.

Teacher Menno Lagerwey (29) of YouTube channel Math with Menno © Own photo

Buy a house

The last assignment in the exam is always called ‘the research assignment’, and it is worth a lot of points. Pupils receive one and a half pages of A4 with information and one question: this time about buying a house. “Students had to calculate what was the most favorable: buying a house and land or just the house. Of course that doesn’t play a role in real life when you’re 17, but they are things that you can use later on.”

According to Menno, the Mathematics A exam for HAVO was on balance in line with previous years in terms of level of difficulty. Certain topics always come up. Yet this year there was one question that had never been in an exam before, but it was only worth two points. So that was manageable.”

Vmbo’er Daphne van Houselt has dyslexia and today took her Dutch exam (video):

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