Matías Morla, Diego Maradona’s attorney, is the lawyer for the owner of Sens

by time news

2023-07-03 19:18:22

Sens, the new dance venue in Neuquén located where “Las Palmas” previously operated, It is going through a dispute over its opening that is threatened by the attempts of the municipal Executive to reverse course with the project. Its owner, Nicolas Vaamonde, reported that He is being advised by the lawyer Matías Morla, Diego Maradona’s attorney.

Nicolás Vaamonde, he Sens ownerassured that will open the bowling alley despite the impediments of the Municipality of Neuquén and the MPN project in the Deliberative Council. To go through the legal dispute, he turned to Diego Maradona’s former lawyer, who was also a representative of Diez. Vaamonde added that his adviser is also a lawyer “for the president of Cristina and Sergio Massa” (Sic).

The disappearance of Sergio Avalos 20 years ago in the place, when the bowling alley was called “Las Palmas”, it was the center of controversy and part of the questions.

The request of the Executive of Neuquén so that the nightclub “Sens” cannot function where “Las Palmas” operated before failed in the deliberative, but the MPN will try in a new session that nocturnal activity is prohibited in Primeros Pobladores, between Linares and the multitrocha.

The opening of the new dance venue “Sens” that was intended to open on July 8 with a different proposal and the presence of a great DJ would seem verse threatened by a draft ordinance that forbids it. Talk about the lack of pre-feasibility of land use for the development of commercial activity.

Vaamonde assured that presented all the documents to the Municipality and that the restrictions took him by surprise. When asked about the reasons for the restriction, Vaamonde stated that he did not know them, but pointed out that It was striking to him that they sought to prohibit night activity in one sector of the city, when it does not happen in others.

Las Palmas: what motivates the ordinance that seeks to prohibit the opening

Two weeks ago, the City Executive presented a draft ordinance in the Deliberative Council that seeks the prohibition of dance activity on the property where it is intended to open “Sens”, the new name of the premises.

The only point of the ordinance indicates to change the urban nomenclator in Primeros Pobladores street, between the multitrocha roundabout and Linares street, so that no restaurant with dance activity, bowling alley, pub, party hall, café concert, night-time recreational activities or similar commerce can be installed there.

LThe motivation is the updating of an environmental urban plan. “It involves a study of the entire surface of the city, we have expanded the chosen one that went from 12,000 to 20,000 hectares and it has been more than 25 years since the last environmental urban plan was approved,” he commented.

“The city has different perspectives than it had at the time,” said Nicola, and reported that works are being proposed for the expansion of the city. As for that area, he commented that work is beginning to “define the new uses.”

Given the possibility that the ban on night-time activities in the Las Palmas sector will be voted on in the July 6 session, businessman Nicolas Vaamonde indicated a legal return that would allow him to open. He explained that, to his knowledge, Its process began several months ago, so a new regulation could not be applied to it.

recognized that If you want to renew your license, at that moment they could apply the restriction, but considered that it does not fit in this first instance. The businessman remarked that until there is a court order or the Municipality gives it a “solid and valid argument”, it will maintain the opening as planned.

Matías Morla and the dispute with Dalma and Gianina Maradona

Argentine News Agency

On June 2, the investigating judge Alberto Baños issued the “lack of merit” for the lawyer Matías Morla in his capacity as ex-agent of the late soccer player Diego Maradona in a cause initiated by the daughters of the star for the ownership of the brands related to his figure.

Morla was accused by the daughters of Maradona’s first marriage for allegedly having “harmed the economic interests entrusted to him by whoever Diego Armando Maradona was alive in order to procure undue profit for himself and for third parties.”

Dalma and Gianina Maradona denounced that Morla “violated the duties taxes on him in his capacity as agent of the victim; role that he played, at least formally, since June 13, 2014 ”.

“Through three successive acts of seizure, Maradona granted the accused broad powers of administration and disposal of his assets, considering him a person of close confidence,” the complaint said.

According to the ex-soccer player’s daughters, “Morla abused both of the powers that his client had granted him through the instruments of empowerment and of the confidence that Maradona gave him in the daily dealings for the management of his businesses”.

“The targeted overreach was used to indirectly become the owner of intangible assets that belonged to the victim and that have a notable economic value due to their potential to do business”, added the daughters of Maradona’s marriage with Claudia Villafañe

However, the judge baths -as substitute of the trial court number 43- considered that there is no evidence enough to support the accusation of Dalma and Gianina.

In that context, in a judgment of more than 400 pages, ordered the “lack of merit” for Morla and other defendants of his environment and slipped a series of measures to delve into the investigation.

The lack of merit also includes Maximiliano Pomargo, Morla’s brother-in-law; the notary Sandra Iampolsky; Walter Ferreyra, and the lawyer Laura Marcovecchio.

Judge Baños devoted several paragraphs to analyzing the context that Maradona represented.

“I cannot be distracted from what their presence means in the analysis of the proceedings and the eventual criminal responsibilities that may apply to the accused, to whom their situation is being discussed here, and others that may arise in the course of the investigation” , anticipated.

In the first person, he proclaimed: “I am entering this terrain from which I will try to get out as quickly and gracefully as possible.”

“Why do I say that I cannot abstract myself in my justice mission from what it means in the Diego Armando Maradona case? Because what is already public knowledge cannot be ignored and it is what has to do with the way of relating to people, their psychology, their personality, since I believe that some of these issues are having an impact on this investigation”, he summarized. .

He The judge analyzed Maradona’s erratic relations with his entourage and determined that the fraud denounced by his daughters had not been provenalthough concluded that such a situation cannot be definitively ruled out.

#Matías #Morla #Diego #Maradonas #attorney #lawyer #owner #Sens

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