Matteo Renzi’s only fault is saying and doing what others do not have the courage to express

by time news

Just concluded the G20. In these days the strength of Draghi and the prestige that this figure has given back to Italy has emerged with plastic visibility. A political and institutional credibility useful for the whole country. World political leaders are now looking to Italy as a strategic point of reference also on the management of the pandemic and on the vaccination. But let’s take a small step back.

Only a few months ago, the company of the Democratic Party, the dissolved 5Stelle and the connected disinformation system praised the incompetence of Conte and Casalino. We know the old refrain: “Either Count or vote”, “Creating a government crisis during the pandemic is irresponsible”. We have heard of all colors. Single common target: Matteo Renzi. Is it Matteo Renzi’s fault? Say and do what others don’t have the courage to say. Reason? The love for the armchair and the very strong fear of losing it.

Pay attention, though. All those who perpetually criticize Renzi have enjoyed and continue to benefit from the insights and actions of the leader of Italy Viva. The Democratic Party without Renzi’s horse would not have returned to the government after the resounding defeat of the latest policies. The Grillini without Renzi’s strategies would now be at the soccer field selling drinks. And look at the case, it is always and only they who for years have continued to denigrate Renzi in every way. Everyone criticizes him but the government stays together. A continuous obsession. All with the usual complicity of certain TV and press broadcasts that have continued for years not to give news but to gossip, insinuations, falsehoods and mud.

And from these gradually come the sentences of conviction for the defamations suffered over the years. And it is incredible to see the punctuality of certain attacks ad personam. Every way is used to try to contrast the ideas and choices of Italia Viva. The pattern of certain disinformation channels is now well recognizable. Fake polls that never reflect reality. TV programs based on nothing but which only seek to denigrate and instill hatred and resentment. In conclusion, an endless shame. It takes a lot of strength, patience and courage to continue doing politics in such a climate. We never discuss the merits of Italia Viva’s ideas and proposals. A fight against people is being fought. And it’s always them: the PD firm and their friends. They want the votes, they don’t want the ideas.

For years, every opportunity has been good to point out the scapegoat to public opinion. Is there a problem that needs to be addressed that cannot be politically resolved? Simple, suffice it to say that it is Renzi’s fault. The latest example of a school is the rejection of the Zan bill. The numbers showed that the snipers were inside the Pd and the 5Stelle but nothing. Renzi’s fault. And so on with the usual line of reports on Arabia and so on. Then if the leader of Arabia participates in the G20, as it should be, it doesn’t matter. The news is that the bad Renzi goes to Arabia. But that’s enough. The problems of citizens are others. What some fake journalists don’t understand is just that. They can use their power to try to destroy Renzi’s image but they can never change the reality of things. The strength of courageous and far-sighted ideas and choices can never be countered by mud.

And the example of the Draghi government is the emblem of all this. A Letta, now renamed bla bla bla, who only managed to get himself elected to the House. A completely non-existent Pd. A 5Stelle Movement now de facto dissolved. And while the company and the grillini think every day of denigrating Renzi the good Draghi, he goes straight and governs without fear.

The final battle for the President of the Republic is upon us. And while attacks of all kinds against Renzi increase in view of the election of the President of the Republic, many of the detractors will soon realize that they have once again understood nothing of what is happening politically. Their misfortune will always be the same: likes and fake polls will not be able to elect the President of the Republic.

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