Matteo Salvini called on Italians and Europeans to act together to protect the borders

by time news

Matteo Salvini announced that the League’s traditional assembly will last two days this year.

On October 5, young people are expected in Pontida: more than two thousand people from all over Italy have already indicated their participation.

Young people between the ages of 15 and 25 discuss a range of topics, from education to the use of artificial intelligence, from cultural identity to protecting the future.

On October 6, the League’s politicians, voters, sympathizers, and its European allies and supporters will join.

Matteo Salvini mentioned Prime Minister Viktor Orbán by name and Dutch Prime Minister Geert Wilders, leader of the Freedom Party.

According to the League’s statement, André Ventura, the president of the Portuguese Chega party, and Marlene Svazek, the vice-president of the Austrian Freedom Party, which won Sunday’s elections, will be present. Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella, who lead the French National Compact, will send a video message to Pontida due to another national event, as will the former Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro.

Matteo Salvini emphasized that the meeting of the League, traditionally held in Pontida in Lombardy, this year will be more than a party meeting. There will be a movement to announce that the

“protecting borders is not a crime, but a duty”.

He recalled that the prosecutor’s office in Palermo, Sicily, requested a six-year prison sentence for him, as he, as Minister of the Interior, detained a Spanish civilian ship in 2019 that wanted to dock on the coast of Italy. Salvini emphasized that the court will issue a verdict in the coming weeks, perhaps before the end of October. “If they don’t judge, we celebrate together. If I am convicted, I will not give up, I will continue to close the gates of Italy, as the borders are the gates of our homes. (…) I am proud to have protected the homes of Italians,” he declared.

He told me that

over the last two weekends, hundreds of thousands of signatures were collected at points set up in Italian streets and squares, where Italians, immigrants and opposition voters also assured of their solidarity.

Matteo Salvini added: it is necessary to stop illegal immigration and, with it, human trafficking, whose organizations ask for up to four thousand euros per person, and then spend the money on arms and drug trafficking.

2024-10-01 21:15:34

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