Matthew Perry’s Ketamine-Related Death Sparks New Scrutiny on Prescription Practices

by time news

Matthew Perry’s Death Raises Concerns About Ketamine Treatment
By Rolfe Winkler and Brianna Abbott
Dec. 16, 2023 9:00 pm ET

The recent death of actor Matthew Perry has brought new scrutiny to the booming business of prescribing ketamine for the treatment of depression and anxiety. Perry, best known for his role as Chandler Bing on the hit TV show Friends, was found unresponsive in the pool at his Pacific Palisades, Calif., home on Oct. 28. The autopsy report released on Friday revealed that his death was the result of drowning, coronary artery disease, and the effects of buprenorphine, a medication used to treat opioid-use disorder.

Perry had been receiving ketamine infusions for his depression and anxiety before his untimely death, sparking concerns about the increasing use of the powerful anesthetic in clinics and online. Ketamine has gained popularity as a treatment for mood disorders due to its rapid-acting antidepressant effects, but its long-term safety and effectiveness have not been extensively studied.

The circumstances surrounding Perry’s death have raised questions about the regulation and oversight of ketamine treatment. Critics argue that the lack of standardized protocols and training for healthcare providers administering ketamine infusions puts patients at risk, especially as the demand for the treatment continues to grow.

The tragic loss of Matthew Perry has underscored the need for greater transparency and accountability in the burgeoning ketamine industry. As more individuals seek alternative treatments for mental health conditions, it is essential to ensure that they are receiving safe and clinically proven care.

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