Maugeri, in the 2021 impact report innovation and sustainability

by time news

One of the most important aspects of Maugeri’s 2021 financial statements is linked to innovation, as highlighted by Ics Maugeri Spa Società Benefit, which presented the impact report today. In 2021, as many as 20 thousand reports a month were computerized with the Galileo system (11 thousand in the previous year), and over 100 thousand were the demanding “dematerialized” reports produced in the daily assistance activity. All the Institutes are equipped with a “digital gym” that allows advanced management of rehabilitation care in relation to the needs of patients, staff loads, and departmental needs. The digital medical record is already adopted in the institutes of Milan, Pavia-Boezio, Montescano and Tradate, and is being implemented in all other care centers. At the same time, 127 thousand citizens registered in online activities had access to 180 thousand diagnostic documents and were able to book over 50 thousand swabs in the pandemic phases, managing the report online.

There are 4,177 total collaborators in Ics Maugeri (mainly women, 67.3%), which grew in 2021 by 5.2% compared to 2020, with a strong increase, 18%, of new hires compared to a 7% reduction in employment relationships terminated. Overall, 91.2% are full-time relationships and in 81.6 cases out of 100 employees. A staff involved in activities to raise awareness of occupational risks (60% of the total hours allocated to internal training) and safety, which saw a 28.7% reduction in accidents in 2021.

A company open to the community and to the individual territories in which the 17 Institutes are located, Maugeri boasts a stable collaboration with 33 voluntary associations, mainly family members and patients, in the socio-health sector. The relationship with these non-profit realities is essentially aimed at improving the places of care, at facilitating the presence in hospitals of patients and their families, at raising awareness of a culture of welcoming needs.

An important part of the 2021 budget, Maugeri still points out, is linked to the fight against Covid-19 in the various pandemic phases. 6,678 Covid patients have been discharged since the beginning of the pandemic (2,936 in 2021), some of them having started early rehabilitation activities (in Covid areas) thus alleviating long-Covid symptoms. Maugeri immediately made herself available to reconvert wards to help acute hospitals, with saturated intensive care. 5 million euros were invested in Dpi and, to protect the community, the laboratory medicine activities of many institutes offered diagnostic services, administering swabs, while Irccs Pavia became a vaccination center that inoculated 85,032 vaccine doses .

Energy saving and sustainability are part of Maugeri’s objectives. Some structural choices involved the Pavia Institutes in 2018 and Bari in 2019, with the installation of cogeneration plants that led to an optimization of energy resources: in 2021 18.8 million kWh of energy were purchased against 20 , 5 of the previous year and, correspondingly, self-produced energy went from 9.5 million kWh to 10.9 in 2021.

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