Mauricio Macri’s Controversial Reception at May Pact Event in Tucumán

by time news


Shortly after attending the signing of the May Pact in Tucumán, which agreed to ten basic points Xavier Miley He considers it a milestone in his administration and the foundation for “rebuilding the nation”. Mauricio Macri He entered the airport again to board the flight. This morning the former president was passing through the controls to return to Europe after spending less than 48 hours in the country. He complied with the request of the libertarian administration to attend the event, but left with a bitter taste.

Those around the former president are upset with the officials of the National Executive, above all Santiago Caputocommunications strategist and mentor of Miley’s story. He believes that Macri did not receive an adequate welcome and that the people in charge of organizing the event did not show a “good behavior” towards him. For example, he noticed that the cameras were not focused on Macri during the national network. He complains that he only appeared in panoramic shots in both moments Miley came to greet him Like the moment when the former president entered the cordoned guest area Jorge Macri, Maria Eugenia Vidal, Diego Santilli and Ignacio Torres. There was also condemnation of the way he was treated by those in charge of ceremony and protocol. “They didn’t even reserve a chair for him,” One of the delegations gathered by Macri for his landing in Tucumán commented.

Those close to the founder of PRO do not hide their disappointment at a new display of destructiveness of the hard core of Miley. They describe it as “astonishing” that the government has ignored a person who attended the event – they admit that the governors were heroes, but they highlight that Macri was the only former president with a full mandate who was present – and the head of the main parliamentary ally the ruling party had to secure the approval of the base law and the fiscal agreement. “They asked him to be present, he returns from Europe to provide institutional support and they act like it,” One of the former officials directly targeted Macri.

Macri had decided to interrupt his agenda in Europe to return to Argentina and attend the signing of the “May Act”, the founding treaty that allowed Miley to gather the support of 18 governors. The head of the Pro was in London, where he attended a match of the Wimbledon tennis tournament and planned activities linked to the FIFA Foundation, when he received a call from representatives of the Casa Rosada, who asked him to appear at the Historic House of Tucumán to accompany Miley.

Mauricio Macri attended the signing of the May Pact in TucumánCapture the TV

The link between the independentists and Macri was the chief of staff, Guillermo Francoswho last week activated the efforts reserved to calm the tensions in the face of the public proposal made by the head of Pro for co-participation funds for the city. After these maneuvers, the president himself sent chats to Macri to guarantee his presence in Tucumán at the signing of a sort of roadmap that he had designed for his electricity project. “He asked him to ‘please’ come. And he did it selflessly, because Pro was going to be represented by the parliamentary and party authorities,” lament those close to Macri.

The former president formed a team to go to Tucumán. He called Martin Yezathe brand new head of the Party Assembly, Santilli and Vidal. They were joined by leaders with management positions: Jorge Macri, Torres (Chubut) and Rogelio Frigerio (Between Rivers). They traveled together in a private plane and returned to Buenos Aires at three in the morning, leaving Torres alone. With that entourage, he tried to project strength and political support in the Pro. His internal opponents were appalled by the fact that Yeza and other leaders called him “boss.”

Despite the abuse he received from officials at the Casa Rosada in Tucumán and the fatigue from the hustle and bustle of the trip, Macri was relaxed and in good spirits. Of course: he negotiated Osvaldo JaldoMiley’s closest companion in the PJ, and was surprised by the reception the people of Tucumán gave him. “We have to come here to preach, Mauricio,” his people joked.

At this time he plans to return to Madrid, where he plans to focus on his role in the FIFA Foundation. As soon as the event ended, he published a message through his social networks with which he sought to confirm his position on the political board. Share the vision, approach and direction that Miley has outlined at the economic level. But it has differences in matters of institutional or foreign policy. He is an ally, he does not co-govern. For example, its slope crushes the Pro block in the Senate, which leads Louis Judgewill not match the specifications Ariel LijoAlthough he hopes there will be exceptions: Laretista Guadalupe Tagliaferri,

Those around Macri say the government now has no excuses. It has already obtained the tools to implement reforms and must show results in its management. “We went, we did it and we came back,” One of the members of the delegation that escorted Macri to Tucumán briefly explained.

Jaldo receives Macri and the Buenos Aires boss in TucumánX @osvaldojaldo

Now, He is hopeful that Miley will fulfill his promise to resume management and address demands for co-partnership funding for the city. Or loans with pension funds. In fact, that is what the ten leaders of the JXC talked about at a summit last night before the agreement. Even those who had until now taken a more cooperative stance with Casa Rosada are willing to put themselves on alert and show their ability to cause harm in order to get answers or set the stage for Miley.

For example, Gustavo Valdes He received signs of solidarity from his comrades for an attempt by a sector of the LLA to capitalize on the political crisis that is going on in Corrientes due to the disappearance of UCR loner Danilo Peña. What’s more: several leaders of the extinct JXC agree that they will no longer be friendly towards the intervention kareena miley In their districts, where they accelerate the assembly of LLAs with a view to the 2025 legislative elections. “They should focus on management before thinking about voting”criticizes a pro-dialogue governor who promises to “charge” Miley for the “clubs” of his political operators. “They’re Martians,” he finishes.

Those chiefs who still sign with the JXC seal are getting ready to defend their land. In other words, they want to “look after their farm” in the face of liberal threat and economic uncertainty. This is the attitude they will adopt in Miley’s “second phase.”

Attentive to the references to the difficulties and the distant attitude of the Casa Rosada, Macri wants the three administrations of Pro to demonstrate results to differentiate themselves from Miley. For example, Torres, one of those who has the most differences with the president, promotes a financial education project. Yesterday he joked with Miley before signing the “May Minute”. There were comments about the suggestive absence of Victoria Villarruel and the prominence of Karina Miley, who attended the family photo and signed the agreement.

At the helm of Macri’s government, he intends to promote the historical premises of the PRO from his governments: institutional quality, tax relief and an “anti-caste” developmental plan. The former president has maintained his idea of ​​holding an event to relaunch the PRO. He postponed it due to the delay in the approval of economic reforms and the signing of the May Agreement. He says he did not want to interfere with Miley’s plans.

Last night there was an informal chat with Miley’s new minion: “Colossus” federico sturzenegger. He noted that he was enthusiastic about the “leaf law” but was not aware of the failures demonstrated by Miley’s management on sensitive issues. He outlined a worrying diagnosis. “They want to increase the flow of foreign currency, but trucks will not be able to pass through the routes if there is no maintenance or investment in the ports. “These are basic things,” he warned her.

The crisis of the Pro was reflected in the postcard of the May Pact in Tucumán. Macri was protected by his loyalists. On the other hand, the slopes of Bullrich were located in another sector. Damián Arabia, Fernando Iglesias and Patricia Vásquez were there. Former Larretistas also traveled Silvia LospennatoMacrista Hernan Lombardi Hey Esteban Bulirch. Most of them felt Miley’s greeting as their victory. They are the ones who dream of the birth of an interblock that unites Pro and LLA in the deputies. “Right now it’s difficult,” says Macrista. Yesterday Christian Ritondo He did not attend for personal reasons. He is one of the people most investigated by Caputo.

After last week’s fierce confrontation, Macri and Bullrich greeted each other in Tucumán. The former president was surprised by the affectionate gesture of Mili’s security minister. In fact, there were jokes within the Pro squad during the return to Buenos Aires. “It’s strange, she was even more affectionate than before,” Macri commented privately. Those who assist the former president say the breakup is not personal, but different approaches and ideas. They believe the minister has decided to move away from Pro, where he has no weight in the organic structure, and proceed with the metamorphosis to merge with LLA. However, from London, Macri asked his loyalists to intensify the public attack against his former electoral disciple. He considers him a “Unbelievable”“There was an atmosphere of tension,” described a close aide of a PRO delegate who witnessed Macri’s reunion with Miley and Bullrich in Tucumán.

Sturzenegger and Bullrich during the President’s speechCapture the TV

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