Mauro avalanche on Iblea Acque: “Money obtained illegitimately, I ask for the resignation of Poidomani and Cassì and I will inform the judiciary”

by time news

RAGUSA – Ragusa city councilor Gaetano Mauro held a press conference to draw attention to “the serious administrative irregularities – he says – that emerged in the management of Iblea Acque Spa, the company established by the Municipalities of the province of Ragusa for the management of the integrated water service”. Mauro denounced “the illegitimate perception of public compensation by the sole director of the company, Eng. Franco Poidomani, as he is retired from public administration”, and called for his immediate removal.

“I ask the Analogous Control Committee, composed of the mayors, to immediately revoke Eng. Franco Poidomani and appoint a new board of directors through public and transparent selection procedures,” Mauro said. The councilor also requested the resignation of the mayor of Ragusa, Peppe Cassì, president of the Control Committee, accusing him “of not having carried out his supervisory duty.”

Mauro stressed that, in the last year, he has repeatedly denounced “The violation of the regulations that provide that the role of sole administrator must be carried out free of charge. Recently, a legal opinion, requested by the Municipality of Ragusa and financed with public money, confirmed that the assignment of the role to Eng. Poidomani caused financial damage estimated at around 285,000 euros. Mauro recalled that last February the Sicilian Region had already warned the Iblei mayors, stigmatizing their behavior, for having appointed an administrator retired from the public administration, in violation of the regulations. No mayor, with the exception of the mayor of Acate, Gianfranco Fidone, an administrative lawyer, has ever objected to the issue.

In Ibleacque – continued Mauro – there is worrying administrative confusion. Management positions in clear violation of the law, competitions cancelled and never redone following the irregularities that we have brought to light, with the employees still in their places. Now that’s enough. We want this drift to stop. We are ready, in the absence of immediate feedback, to implement sensational forms of protest. We will inform the criminal and accounting magistrates”. Finally, Mauro expressed concern about the financial situation of Ibleacque, underlining how the Municipality of Ragusa, which holds 24% of the company shares, has already advanced over 8 million euros to the company. “We cannot allow the situation to worsen further,” he concluded.

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