maxi heroes, little texts. The first volume on newsstands –

by time news

From Thursday 28 July with Corriere and Gazzetta the first issue (dedicated to Dante) of the series for children: the greatest stories of literature reviewed by the best authors for children. Lighter size, same unforgettable adventures

Once, for children, holidays were a suspended and idle time, an ideal moment to fill with the readings of important and famous novels that adults insisted on recommending. Those classics to be faced with reluctance and fear, as if they were a mountain to climb. Now that everything moves faster, the hours of summer boredom no longer exist, canceled by the presence of smartphones even in the hands of the little ones, but the curiosity to discover new stories and adventures certainly does not disappear. And children, increasingly precocious, can satisfy her with reading unforgettable booksunmissable literary masterpieces, which no longer seem an impregnable top because they have been resized to a lighter size.

This happens thanks to the Classicini necklace which proposes the ambitious project of making known the greatest and most epic stories to young readers, offering an engaging and exciting approach that is the prelude to the time to try their hand at the full versions. From Thursday 28 July, the small volumes of the Classicini are attached to the Corriere della Sera and the Gazzetta dello Sport, with a weekly issue to present the series of thirty-five books dedicated to an audience aged seven and over. The necklace debuts in style with The divine Comedy, the work of Dante Alighieri modulated for children by Gisella Laterza and enriched by the beautiful illustrations by Fabio Visentin. Continue with Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson, rewritten by Pierdomenico Baccalario, with drawings by Matteo Piana. Other titles will follow boldly going beyond the limits of children’s literaturealso offering works such as The betrothed, Aeneid, Odyssey, The Count of Monte Cristo, Pride and Prejudice flanked by the usual proposals for children such as Moby Dick, The Jungle Book, Little Women, Gianburrasca’s newspaper, The Wizard of Oz and many others.

The serious literature of the high shelves goes down to the lower shelves to be within reach of even the smallest and the huge choice: perfect to satisfy every inclination and curiosity. An important detail that distinguishes and makes this series precious: the novels proposed they were not simply summarized. Thanks to the talent of the children’s authors who participated in the creation of the project – among the many names Roberto Piumini, Beatrice Masini, Guido Sgardoli – there was a new interpretation, a rewriting that facilitated and modernized access to the text, preserving the spirit and polish of the original.

Interesting detail of the series is the fact of being aimed exclusively at children: no introductions, notes or critical apparatus appear in the volumes that make up the series. The approach to reading designed to be absolutely spontaneous, to bring out the story with all its bewitching power, modernized and stripped of any superfluous. In short, the book must emerge only as an indispensable magical object, as the Russian linguist and fabulist Vladimir Propp claimed.

I Classicini, small and handy, with texts restricted to about eighty pages, they seem to have been created precisely following this principle. Children can read them independently to immerse themselves, without the filter of adults, in the imaginative universe of the stories they contain. But how did the authors who rewrote classic works manage to win the hearts of young readers? In addition to the power of the descriptions and the vivacity of the illustrationsthe true asset of the series in lightning and funny dialogues that arouse attention and arouse identification.

Bravo, bravo Jim. You are a good guy. You see that you have a mother. And you always did what she told you. Eh, yes. S s. that’s what you do. There is no other way. Ben Gunn always says so. If he can get me back from this island, he will be a saint. And to make my poor mother a saint too, Baccalario reports Treasure Island in a conversation between the fearsome mutinous pirate and Jim Hawkins, the young protagonist of the daring adventure told in the book. You can transgress but in the end always obey your mother the right thing, the elementary school reader knows. And hearing him advice even from a super villain reassures him, intrigues and tempts him to devour the pages. Because the teenager Jim is given the opportunity to live a dream that belongs to everyone: the desire to experiment, to take risks, to test himself, to see what he is worth.

Treasure Island as well as being an adventure story a coming-of-age novel. As well as most of the classics where the protagonists, in the unraveling of the plot, they must always let their horizon wander, erase fears and fears in order to overcome obstacles, face fearless new realities and eventually find the path of their destiny. Simplifying, and following the mentality of young readers, the characters have no choice to make the values ​​they believe in triumph: to survive they must behave like superheroes. easy, almost banal, to attribute this definition to the mythical Ulysses, but on closer inspection in the classic texts superheroes are also the brave sisters of Little Womenthe protagonist of Alice in Wonderlandcapable of transforming and changing dimensions, and also Dorothy de The Wizard of Oz.

Children today use the idea of ​​superheroes to express their tension towards the most courageous and incredible actions. Some of the stories and protagonists of the Classicini are already familiar to them because they are presented, perhaps in a version sweetened in multimedia by video games, films and cartoons. And this can be an interesting detail to intrigue them and convince them to experiment with a new angle of study. Because it is never too early to take advantage of the intellectual stimulus that reading the classics can offer. Telling immortal stories that speak of courage, friendship, love, solidarity.

July 27, 2022 (change July 27, 2022 | 22:19)

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