May events.. Parliamentary Finance Committee continues to vote on budget items

by time news

2023-05-16 15:30:01

May 16, 2023

Baghdad / Obelisk event:

Tuesday 16 May 2023

The Parliamentary Finance Committee continues to vote on budget items

The Council of Ministers votes to increase the capital of the Small Projects Fund

Al-Sudani assigned “Nasser Al-Asadi” to follow up on the file of airports and the Civil Aviation Authority

The Ministerial Council directs the facilitation of fuel transfers for investment projects at subsidized prices

Nineveh is on a date with the operation of the optical cable project

The Council of Ministers holds its regular session headed by Al-Sudani

Judge Omar Mohamed Ahmed, Chairman of the Electoral Commission

Tomorrow.. 3 million students take final exams for the unfinished secondary stages

Monday 15 May 2023

My office ordered the dismissal of 25 general managers from their positions

A terrorist detachment was killed and a number of guest houses were destroyed in Wadi al-Shay

Salah El-Din announces the receipt of more than 80 thousand tons of wheat

Transportation: the resumption of the transportation of black oil from the Qayyarah refinery after an interruption of more than 20 years

Al-Sudani announces the launch of the National Strategy for Education 2022-2023
Saturday 13 May 2023

An ISIS guesthouse containing weapons and explosives was found in Kirkuk

Contacts denies the existence of a delay in file assignments for early adopters and drive

Kirkuk is taking strict measures to secure the process of harvesting and marketing wheat

Seizing (5) trucks violating the conditions in the port of Abu Flus

Assignment and transfer of 12 general managers in the Ministry of Education

The region’s cabinet approves a financial project in Kurdistan

Iraq announces the success of evacuating 429 citizens from Sudan

Seismic monitoring records an earthquake of (4.9) degrees in Khanaqin, Diyala

Al-Sudani renews the government’s commitment and determination to restore the bright face of all areas of Nineveh Governorate

Al-Sudani visits the Great Immaculate Church in Baghdida district, Nineveh Plain

Prime Minister, Mr. Mohamed Shia’a Al-Sudani, visits the Syriac-Orthodox Mart Shmoni Church in Bartella, and meets a group of notables from the district

Al-Sudani receives the Emir of the Yazidis in Iraq and the world, and Baba Sheikh of the Yazidi religion, at his residence in Mosul

Thursday 11 May 2023

The Foreign Ministry sends an urgent appeal to the Iraqi community in Sudan

Iraq calls on countries to withdraw their nationals from Al-Hol camp

Baghdad Municipality: The distribution of plots of land to the players of the Iraqi youth team was done with high transparency

Integrity thwarts an attempt to bring prohibited materials into the port of Umm Qasr

Parliamentary Finance begins by checking the items and schedules contained in the Budget Law

Wednesday May 10, 2023

Four terrorists were arrested in Anbar

The Ministry of Reconstruction calls for approving the budget as soon as possible

The Ministerial Security Council draws up plans to avoid water scarcity in the summer and measures to protect demonstrations

Al-Rafidain launches a new batch of advances from the popular crowd, amounting to 25 million dinars

The Minister of Commerce confirms the government’s openness to developing economic and trade relations with Washington

The Prime Minister receives the artist Naseer Shamma and the sculptor Ahmed Al-Bahrani

Parliament Media Department: The House of Representatives voted on 35 articles out of 110 articles of the Social Security and Retirement Law for Workers

The House of Representatives adjourns
The House of Representatives begins voting on the Social Security and Retirement Bill for Workers

The House of Representatives adjourns its session for half an hour due to lack of a quorum
Tuesday 9 May 2023

The environment denies the presence of radioactive contamination in the Nineveh Hall at Baghdad Airport

The Chief Justice and the Iranian President are discussing the implementation of agreements and memorandums of understanding concluded between the two countries

Al-Sudani stresses the importance of integration between the government and the House of Representatives and expediting the approval of the budget

Arresting a drunk who shot a child without justification in Kirkuk

Iraq and Syria sign minutes of water cooperation

The Council of Ministers holds its regular session headed by Al-Sudani

The House of Representatives extends its legislative term until the budget is approved
The House of Representatives adjourns its session for half an hour due to lack of a quorum

Saturday 6 May 2023

The crowd kills 3 ISIS near Geneva airport

Health establishes 100 health centers in the governorates

Diyala is preparing a proactive plan to protect wheat and barley crops from fires

Justice denies the existence of a court ruling convicting the person in charge of managing the first Karkh Real Estate Registration Department

Parliament postpones voting on the National Day bill

The House of Representatives holds its session chaired by Mandalawi
Thursday 4 May 2023

The House of Representatives votes to add a paragraph (hosting the President of the State Council) to its agenda

The House of Representatives votes on the draft law of the first amendment to the Law No. 10 of 2012 on supporting small income-generating projects

The House of Representatives postpones consideration of the appeals submitted regarding the validity of the membership of some deputies due to the lack of a two-thirds majority

The House of Representatives holds its session chaired by Al-Halbousi, in the presence of 185 deputies

Parliamentary Finance hosts the Ministers of Water Resources, Construction and Housing

The Minister of Labor launches the second phase of the major research campaign for the poorest regions

Seizing a yard for smuggling oil derivatives in Maysan

Integrity seizes accused of fraud and bribery in Salah al-Din and Kirkuk

Health issues a new list of the names of the victims of the Speicher massacre

Justice announces the release of 101 juveniles last April

Wednesday May 3, 2023

Trade denies leaking data covered by the ration card

Tuesday 2 May 2023

Parliament ends the report and discussion of the draft law of the Iraqi National Security Agency

Parliament holds its session headed by Al-Halbousi

The House of Representatives postpones its session for half an hour

Obelisk – follow-up – agencies

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#events. #Parliamentary #Finance #Committee #continues #vote #budget #items

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