May they continue to have their birthdays… rejuvenated!

by time news

2023-09-29 14:45:52

There is no other country in the world where your neighbor is your great friend, the one who runs when you need him, tells you if the bread has arrived or helps you with the essential little bit of salt.

There is also no other where your children and those next door are together in either house, running around all the time. Nor in any other do they brew coffee or make a sweet and call you, or take you, to try it, regardless of whether you also have it or not.

This solidarity is typical of the Cuban neighborhoods, of the CDR, of the values ​​promoted by the Revolution. Nobody can deny it.

Such familiarity of the Cuban does not travel with him when he leaves forever for another land; It is typical of this piece of land. Nor was it imposed by the Government or any law: it is a spontaneous phenomenon of human beings that was forged in these more than 60 years of socialist society.

So you work or study and return home afterwards, but you don’t completely close the doors behind you, because your home also includes the neighbor who comes to talk, or because you yourself continue to another door, to give the neighbor a hug. old woman who is like your other mother and that of your boys.

And this nobility of common people has the indisputable seal of the CDR, an organization that continues to celebrate its anniversary, but, instead of allowing it to age or disappear, we must rejuvenate it. As? Let’s ask young people precisely what they want their CDR to be like, not in the way of six decades ago, but with the dynamism of today.

Giving up on the CDR would be giving up what is most human about Cuba, the friend of the neighborhood, the one who is forever, and the fight with popular participation against those who make life more difficult for the rest of us, against those who enter to steal in our homes or in the warehouses.

For this reason, especially in the town that Fidel called the most revolutionary in Cuba, the CDR cannot fall.

#continue #birthdays #rejuvenated

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