Mazón will not negotiate with Vox the distribution of the government

by time news

2023-06-13 09:51:05

On June 26, almost a month after the regional and municipal elections, the new Valencian Parliament, and from there the process for the investiture of the President of the Generalitat. The Valencian Community has been the setting for one of the main battles between the PP and PSOE in the electoral confrontation of 28M, and it is the mirror in which all eyes are placed on where the post-election pacts among the forces of the center-right bloc.

The popular Carlos Mazón, the most voted list in the elections, will have his first meeting with Vox today to test the ground for his investiture. Officially, Genoa has given full powers to its territorial leaders to negotiate with the formation of Santiago Abascal, but the national leadership is on top of the process, in continuous contact with regional organizations, and marking some general red lines that should guide all dialogue processes open, especially in a programmatic key.

The PP already has the experience of the Government of Castilla y León, the first autonomous coalition, and it is not a precedent that they want to repeat in other communities. Vox takes electoral advantage of that agreement, the 28M has made it evident, and the noise imposed by the presence of those of Abascal in the government “dynamite” the image of a conservative, European, moderate and focused party on which Alberto wants to sustain Núñez Feijóo his program.

Therefore, Mazón must first seek an agreement on the distribution of the governing body of the Valencian Parliament, and then negotiate an investiture. As established by the parliamentary regulations, once the new legislature is constituted, in a session in which the 99 deputies take possession of the seat and elect the Board of the Chamber (the presidency, two vice-presidencies and two secretariats) a period of twelve days for the groups to present to the Board the proposals of candidates to preside over the Generalitat. After that period, which will end on July 8, the Board of Trustees will set the date for the investiture plenary session, between the following three and seven days, that is, between July 11 and 14, proposing as a candidate for who in the consultations carried out with the groups has obtained the greatest support.

The general election campaign will take place between July 7 and 21, so the electoral acts will fully coincide with the process by which Carlos Mazón, winner of the regional elections, has to be invested as president of the Generalitat . He needs an absolute majority in the first vote, and if he does not get it, a new vote will be taken, 48 hours later, in which a simple majority of the chamber would suffice.

Genoa and the Valencian PP maintain total secrecy about the negotiating strategy. There are also informal contacts between the national leaderships of the two parties. And, on the part of the PP, the “man” who bears the weight of this complex process is the general coordinator, “number three”, Elías Bendodo.

The PP has to play with the balances because its commitment to a broad majority forces it to manage these negotiations without bothering the more moderate and left-wing voters who see Feijóo as a way out against “sanchismo”, but it cannot directly confront either Vox voters. Nor is it convenient for him to face media bases that have already begun to pressure Feijóo to review the position he has maintained until now and accept coalition governments with Abascal, in contradiction to what he has defended in politics as president of the Xunta.

Mazón’s strategy, and that of the PP, is to bring the terms of the negotiation to a scenario that places Vox before public opinion as an obstacle to change only because of the demand for “armchairs” or because of “radical” programmatic approaches. .

Neither at the regional nor national level can the PP compromise on gender violence, equality, respect for the regional and constitutional model or regarding migration policy (adjusted to European standards). Vox’s “populism” in these matters “denatures” the government model advocated by the PP and the proposal with which Feijóo is running in the general elections.

The entire campaign of the PP for these generals is built on the motto of the “government of majorities”, which joins the right and the left, in order not to depend on crutches or repeat coalition experiments that weaken the program of change. The PP has internalized that new government coalitions at the regional level are “a drag” for the initials, although they officially maintain that the pacts with Vox are no more reprehensible than those of the PSOE with ERC and with Bildu. But the popular ones have made a cause against these PSOE agreements, and they also take into account the damage that the coalition government between Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias has caused for the PSOE. “If we repeat that model, we will have the same problems and the cost will also be similar,” they say in the steering committee of the main opposition party.

#Mazón #negotiate #Vox #distribution #government

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