Mazzucco: “NATO’s latest provocation” – VP News – ‘forbidden to speak’

by time news

2023-04-21 01:01:42

Source: Massimo Mazzucco

The following is a list of historical events
which traces all the most important passages concerning the possible entry into NATO of Ukraine, from 2014 to today. An entry that the Russians have always said they cannot tolerate, for reasons that do not even need to be explained.

2014 – As soon as he became prime minister (after the Maidan coup), Arseniy Yatsenyuk is received at the White House, and he takes care to let the world know which side the new Ukraine will be on: “Probably in the next 7-10 days the ‘Ukraine will sign the political part of the association agreement with the European Union. And we want to say very clearly that Ukraine is and will be part of the Western world”.

Then Yatsenyuk invites NATO to visit him in Kiev, and openly asks for aid and armaments to support the new government: “I have extended an invitation to the North Atlantic Council to visit Kiev, and it will be wonderful if we meet in Kiev. We believe that it is necessary to increase our cooperation, and it would be nice if we could get some form of additional help, technical support, humanitarian support, to improve the Ukrainian defense system, at a technical level. This would help us stabilize the situation and maintain peace and stability in the region.”
On 29 August 2014, Yatsenyuk announced that Ukraine would officially apply to join NATO.
On November 21, 2014 the Ukrainian coalition government announces that NATO is their priority.
On 23 December 2014, the Kiev parliament ended Ukraine’s state of non-alignment, a necessary condition to start the NATO admission process.
In March 2015, President Poroshenko approved a plan for multilateral military exercises with NATO. Among these, the “Fearless Guardian” operation, with two thousand two hundred soldiers, including 1,000 Americans, the “Sea Breeze” operation, with a thousand American soldiers and 500 NATO soldiers, and the “Quick Trident” operation, with 500 American soldiers and 600 from NATO. On 11 April 2015, the first NATO military convoy arrives in Ukraine, for the “Fearless Guardian” operation, departing from Vicenza.

In April 2016, Joe Biden (Obama’s deputy at the time) promised Poroshenko $335 million in “security” aid. These will come in addition to a third billion-dollar loan.
In June 2017, the Rada, the Kiev parliament, votes on a law re-establishing NATO membership as a priority for Ukrainian foreign policy. The law is signed by the Speaker of the Chamber Andrij Parubij, who was the co-founder of the neo-Nazi party Svoboda. Parubiy was investigated for the Odessa massacre, and publicly praised Hitler on television, saying he was the greatest person to practice direct democracy. This was the speaker of the Ukrainian parliament under Poroshenko.
In July 2017 Poroshenko met NATO secretary Stoltemberg and officially asked that the process of admission to NATO be started.
In September 2018, Poroshenko asked the parliament to amend the constitution, in order to make it easier for Ukraine to join NATO.

On February 7, 2019 the parliament approves the requested changes to the constitution and confirms Ukraine’s path towards the European Union and NATO, with a total of 334 votes in favor out of 385.
On 21 February 2019, the amendment to the Constitution that provides for entry into the EU and NATO officially enters into force in Ukraine.
In May 2019, Zelensky won the election and took over from Poroshenko. As soon as he was elected, Zelensky flew to Brussels and met Stoltemberg, NATO secretary.
In June 2020, NATO grants Ukraine the status of “partner with enhanced opportunities”.

In September 2020, President Zelensky approves the new national security strategy, which provides for the development of the special partnership with NATO, with the aim of becoming a member.
On March 24, 2021, Zelensky signs a presidential decree to “implement the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine on the strategy of unemployment and reintegration of the temporarily occupied territory of the autonomous republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.” “Strategy of unemployment and reintegration of the territory” means taking back Crimea and Sevastopol militarily.

In May 2021, US Senator Chris Murphy visits Kiev and meets Zelensky. After which he announces that “opening the accession path to Ukraine will be the next logical step towards NATO entry”.
A month later, at the Brussels summit, NATO leaders reconfirm the decision taken in 2008 at the Bucharest summit: Ukraine will become a member of the alliance, with the Membership Plan being an integral part of the procedure.
On 28 June 2021, Ukraine and NATO launch a joint military exercise in the Black Sea.
On November 28, 2021, Moscow is demanding legal guarantees that Ukraine will never join NATO. These guarantees are not given to you.
On November 30, 2021, Putin officially declares the Russians’ red line on Ukraine: “Any further placement of NATO forces or materials in Ukraine would be the red line for his country.” Putin especially stressed his concerns about the potential arrival of long-range hypersonic missiles, which could hit Moscow in 5 minutes. “I hope we will not get to this – said Putin – and that common sense and responsibility towards one’s own countries and towards the global community will prevail in the end”.

On December 1, 2021, Putin officially asks for guarantees that NATO will not expand eastward. But the United States replies that “the doors are always open for Ukraine”.
On 23 December 2021, in a press conference, Putin once again repeated that for them further expansion of NATO towards the east is unacceptable, and once again he explained the reasons for it: “We have clearly stated that any further movement by NATO towards east is unacceptable. There is nothing unclear about it. We are not placing our missiles on the borders of the United States. While the United States is placing its missiles near our house, in front of the house. So, are we asking too much? We are simply asking them not to place their attack systems in our home. What’s so weird about that?” [americani] On January 31, 2022, at the United Nations, the Russian ambassador publicly accused the United States of fomenting tensions and provoking them towards war, as if that were really their hidden desire: “Our colleagues

they say that tensions need to be reduced. But they are the first to raise tensions and raise the tone, and they are causing an escalation. Talking about a war threat is a provocation in itself. It almost seems that you are looking for it. And as if you wanted it to happen, you’ve been waiting for it. It’s like you want your words to come true.”
On February 8, 2022, Putin issued a final warning via the Western media: “I want to underline this once again. I’ve been saying this for a while, but I really want you to finally listen to me, and communicate it to your audience in print, TV and the internet. Do you realize that if Ukraine joins NATO and tries to take back Crimea via military means, European countries will automatically get involved in a military conflict with Russia? There will be no winners. You will find yourself drawn into this war against your will.”
Soon after Russia makes one last official request to the United States, to put in writing that Ukraine will not join NATO, and that it will not host NATO ballistic weapons. From Washington, Blinken spades his response: “From our point of view, I can’t be clearer. The door of NATO is open, it remains open, and this is our commitment”.
February 24, 2022: left with no options, Putin is forced to invade Ukraine.
And today, after more than a year of war, NATO secretary Stoltemberg finds nothing better to do than go to Kiev and tell Zelensky that “Ukraine’s place is in NATO. And over time, our support will help make that possible.”

Here it is no longer the case to say “there is an attacker and there is a victim”, as Mentana has been repeating for over a year, but “there is a provocateur and there is a provoked”. The provocateur is the USA, the provoked is Putin. So who is to blame for everything that happens in Ukraine?
#Mazzucco #NATOs #latest #provocation #News #forbidden #speak

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