Mbappé, Zidane, PSG, chaos at the Stade de France … Florentino Pérez lets go

by time news

As usual, the powerful president of Real Madrid, Florentino Pérez was not a follower of the language of wood. Without flinching and with a disturbing frankness, he tackled all the themes of recent news from his club but also from international football on the program “El Chiringuito”, this Wednesday evening.

On the aborted transfer of Mbappé to Real. A bit bitter, Florentino Pérez assures that he “never said that it was over forever between Kylian Mbappé and Real Madrid. In three years, a lot can change. “However, he issues essential conditions: “The Mbappé who does not want to participate in sponsorship operations is not the Mbappé I want. No player is above the club. Me, I believed in Mbappé who had a dream. »

Regarding the intervention of Emmanuel Macron, Florentino Pérez is scathing: “If a kid is summoned by the President of the Republic, of course it affects him. But that makes no sense. I can’t imagine the King of Spain calling a player. It influenced him a lot. “For his part, the Madrid boss is convinced: “I think his mother wanted him to come to Real Madrid, because it was his dream as a little boy. I haven’t spoken to her, but they tell us that the mother was ashamed. When circumstances change and a person makes a decision, it must be respected. He didn’t come because he didn’t want to. If everyone puts pressure on you, at 23 you block yourself. »

On a possible arrival of Zidane at PSG. Florentino Pérez doesn’t believe ZZ will become PSG’s new coach. ” I do not know (if he will sign at PSG), but he was always a Real Madrid and France man. That’s what I know of him. But maybe he is now in a different situation. »

On these relations with PSG. Despite chaotic relations for years, Florentino Pérez assures that the two clubs are “friends”. “PSG is not an enemy. Neither Chelsea nor City. All who compete with us are friends. We get along well with everyone “However, bringing a fairly important nuance: “The state clubs are a problem that we must solve”

On the chaos at the Stade de France during the Champions League final against Liverpool. There, again the boss of Real does not mince his words. According to him, the final should never have taken place in Saint-Denis. If the Stade de France was chosen to replace Saint-Petersburg, disqualified due to the invasion of Russia in Ukraine, there is a simple reason: “Tell us why they took Paris and Saint-Denis . Between the first leg and the return of the round of 16 the change of venue happened and there are people who think that they decide to locate it in Paris thinking that they were eliminating Real Madrid. »

On the events themselves, Pérez does not hide his anger: “The whole world is hurt. Such a sight should never happen in life. We sent a letter to UEFA and the French government. Worse, Pérez assures that the chaos was predictable: “They blamed the Liverpool supporters, but they and those of Madrid suffered the same attacks, robberies and violence. Why choose this place? Everyone knew that this area needed security measures. They didn’t tell us anything. »

On Benzema and his compatibility with Haaland. Florentino Pérez also spoke about why he left Dortmund’s Norwegian striker Erling Haaland at Manchester City. “We have the best center forward in the world (Editor’s note Benzema), and this moment was incompatible with Haaland. We were not going to recruit him to put him on the bench. I think we have a great team. “And to continue:” If Benzema gets the flu, there will be a replacement but only for this moment when he will be less well. »

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