McConnell Warns Republican Senators Not to Support Hawley’s Bill on Corporate Money in Politics

by time news

CNN: McConnell warns GOP senators against supporting Hawley’s campaign finance bill

In a private meeting, Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell issued a stern warning to Republican senators, urging them not to endorse a bill introduced by Senator Josh Hawley. The bill aims to restrict corporate funding of influential outside groups. McConnell cautioned his fellow Republicans that they could face backlash from the “center-right” if they supported Hawley’s legislation. He also emphasized the financial support provided by the Senate Leadership Fund, an outside group linked to McConnell, to senators who won their races. Surprisingly, Hawley himself was on the list of senators who received support from this group.

The relationship between McConnell and Hawley has been strained for some time. Hawley has been a vocal critic of McConnell and has repeatedly called for new leadership within their conference. Just recently, Hawley criticized McConnell for aligning with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in their efforts to tie Ukraine aid to an Israel funding package.

Hawley’s proposed bill, named the Ending Corporate Influence on Elections Act, seeks to reverse the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision, which loosened campaign finance laws. The conservative Missouri Republican’s bill aligns him with many Democrats, as it aims to prohibit publicly traded corporations from making independent expenditures and political advertisements. Additionally, it would prohibit these companies from donating to super PACs.

In defense of his bill, Hawley argued that corporate influence should be curbed in elections. He stated that it distorts our politics and is contrary to the original meaning of the Constitution. Hawley believes that conservatives should not defend such influence, considering its negative impact on elections and voters.

McConnell specifically called out several lawmakers who have benefited from his outside group, providing them with financial support over the past three cycles. The list includes prominent senators like Lindsey Graham, Susan Collins, and Ron Johnson. Notably, Hawley himself received over $20 million from McConnell’s group during his 2018 campaign.

When approached for comment, McConnell’s office declined to provide a statement.

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