McDonald’s creates a menu for people with autism and this is what it looks like

by time news
  • To date, the true origin of Autism Spectrum Disorder is unknown, but it is thought to be generated by the combination of various genetic factors.
  • In Mexico it is estimated that every year 6,200 children are born with this condition.
  • To offer a new experience to people with autism, McDonald’s modified 64 of its restaurants by creating priority tables and a menu with pictograms.

One of the main commitments today is to end discrimination in all its forms. It is a form of violence that is often exercised unconsciously, although its affectations are the same. For this reason, more and more companies are starting inclusion initiatives and the best example can be seen with McDonald’s and its new menu for people with autism.

Illness of unknown origin

First of all, you must understand what this initiative consists of. First of all, its correct name is Autism Spectrum Disorder and it is about developmental disabilities caused by differences in the brain. The Centers for United States Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that some people with this condition have a difference known as a genetic condition although other causes are not yet known.

With this in mind, scientists believe that the Autism Spectrum Disorder it has multiple causes that, acting together, change the most common ways in which people develop.

However, the World Health Organization (WHO) states that one in 160 children globally has this condition. Regarding Mexico, there are no current data on the incidence; however, it is estimated that around 6,200 children are born with this condition each year.

Brands add to inclusion

Within the framework of World Autism Awareness Day, which is commemorated every April 2, McDonald’s Mexico presented its “Espacio Azul” initiative. The central objective is to promote the inclusion of all people.

As part of the first phase, a total of 64 restaurants of the chain distributed in Mexico may be identified by the distinctive “Espacio Azul”. With this it is interpreted that these are spaces adapted so that people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (TEA) can enjoy a satisfactory experience.

The project includes the training of collaborators who work in the restaurants, which can be identified with a button. Similarly, one of the biggest changes is that the Conventional menu design is now done with pictograms and signage for priority tables.

“Espacio Azul is an initiative with which we want to continue contributing to our communities, making our restaurants more inclusive spaces for those people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, facilitating their experience by better understanding their needs.” assured Francisco Boloña Holm, general director of Arcos Dorados Mexico.

For the development of Espacio Azul, McDonald’s worked together with “Iluminemos por el Autismo” a civil society organization, founded in 2015 with the mission of carrying out support actions, raising awareness and promoting programs and public policies aimed at improving quality. of life of people with autism and their families.

The adaptations of its restaurants include: the possibility of reducing visual and auditory stimuli in a special sector of tables identified as priority for customers with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Also training collaborators for specialized attention, the adaptation of a menu with pictograms and priority in order attention.

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