The changes in allowances, the lifelong recognition of the status of three children, but also the way of supporting working parents, were – among others – at the center of the inter-ministerial press conference on the specialization of the measures announced by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis at the TIF.

The press conference was attended by:

  • Sofia Zaharaki, Minister of Social Cohesion and Family
  • Niki Kerameos, Minister of Labor and Social Security
  • Irini Agapidaki, Deputy Minister of Health
  • Thanos Petralias, Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance
  • Pavlos Marinakis, Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister and Government Representative.

For the three children

As Mrs. Zaharaki mentioned, the status of a child of three was lost when the child turned 18 or when he finished his studies. This now ceases and the three-child status is recognized for life. The certification will be done through a platform, which cross-references the registry data.

At the same time, he stated that the quota for public employment for those with three children is increasing, so that it rises to the same percentage as those with many children from 12% to 16% of the total of the announced positions.

Also, the benefits that apply to those with many children have already been extended to those with three children and in terms of their participation in the housing programs. Indicatively, in the “Spiti mou” program, the granting of loans to children with three children was at zero interest, as in the other social housing programs. Equally at the disposal of the vouchers for the nurseries three-child, multi-child and single-parent families had a common “bonus” of 40 points.

20,000 new places in municipal and private nurseries – End of October the invitation to Municipalities and private individuals

Mrs. Zaharaki referred to a program of 20,000 new places in municipal and private kindergartens. He spoke about a financing program for the creation or expansion of municipal and private nurseries for very young children, from 2 months to 2.5 years. The aim is to increase the number of places in nurseries through funding from the Recovery Fund.

As mentioned by Mrs. Zaharaki, the invitation to municipalities and individuals will be issued in October. The grant is up to 50% of the total cost of the structure and covers building infrastructure, outdoor spaces and equipment

Nationwide implementation of the “neighborhood babysitters” program

The minister announced the nationwide expansion of the “neighborhood babysitters” program. After the pilot phase, the program that provides home care for infants and toddlers from 2 months to 2.5 years old by certified caregivers and is implemented in 62 Municipalities of the country, will be expanded throughout the country. The Ministry of Family Affairs has secured an amount of 100 million euros from NSRF funds 2021-2027. At the end of October, the new act will be published for implementation in all municipalities of the country.

“The aim of the program is to improve the daily life of working parents, family planning, facilitating the search for work, reducing the unemployment of professionals in the field of preschool education, creating employment opportunities, mainly for women with many years of proven experience in the field of childcare said Mrs. Zaharaki. So far in the pilot phase, 802 agreements have been signed while 1,308 available curators have been registered.

As he mentioned, the amount of the voucher was already doubled during the pilot phase and has been formed:

  • At 500 euros from 250 per month if the beneficiary works full-time or is self-employed or self-employed.
  • To 300 euros from 150 euros per month, as long as the beneficiary works part-time or is registered as unemployed in the Unemployment Register or receives, through another action, a placement value (voucher) for participation in nurseries or similar structures.
  • Only natural persons with strict conditions can be registered in the Register of Curators of this Invitation, while recently grandparents who meet the conditions have also joined the potential curators.

Tax exemption of voluntary benefits and vouchers from businesses to new parents

It concerns business benefits for new parents and for a period of up to 12 months from the birth of a child. Up to the amount of 5,000 euros per year increased by an additional 5,000 for each dependent child.

A necessary condition is that there is no reduction in the earnings of the new parent during the months he received the benefit, as well as for the immediately preceding and following 6 months, in relation to the earnings of the last month before the benefit.

A full tax exemption is established for nursery school vouchers provided by businesses to their employees.

Other measures

Mrs. Zaharaki also spoke about:

  • Immediate abolition of the 15% tax on private health insurance for children up to 18 years old.
  • Free preventive fertility check (AMH) for women from 30 to 35 years old.
  • Digitization of the process in assisted reproduction.

Demographic Observatory

He also announced the creation of an observatory for Demographics with the logic of monitoring horizontal measures.

As he said, an “all-about-my child” website is being created with complete information on all benefits, doctors, daycare centers.

What is changing in benefits?

Referring to OPECA benefits, she said that significant distortions were found, such as the absence of assets in the child benefit and disincentives for the labor market.

Mrs. Zaharaki mentioned that the amounts in all three basic benefits are increasingwhile the criterion for exempting a percentage of income from salaried work is introduced. In practice, as he said, the income criteria are being expanded.

Increases in allowances

The minimum guaranteed income increases from 216 to 250 euros and the increase for each child from 54 to 75 euros, while the income criteria are increased accordingly, but with targeted criteria for real estate, movable property and deposits.

Mr. Zaharakis also mentioned that the housing allowance from 70 to 125 and 75 euros, depending on the income scale but with targeted real estate and deposit criteria, while a movable property criterion is also introduced

As far as it is concerned child benefitthe 2nd and 3rd income scales are combined into one, and thus the child benefit of the 3rd income scale increases from 28 euros per child to 45 euros per child and 90 euros for the third child and each subsequent one.

The 1st scale in the child benefit is increased so that the amount of aid is equal to the new scale of the minimum guaranteed income to 75 euros and further to 150 euros for the third child and subsequent ones. In addition, property criteria of movable and immovable property are introduced, which will be expanded compared to other benefits.

For example, a couple with 2 children without income from the above receives 535 euros, instead of 432 per month.

A percentage of the income from salaried work (20% in child and housing benefit and 30% in the minimum guaranteed income) will not be counted towards the income limits in order to give an incentive to work, said Ms. Zacharaki.

Emergency provision in welfare benefits in December

  • For the minimum guaranteed income in December, an additional 50% of the monthly amount will be given.
  • In the child benefit families will receive an extra dose in December.
  • Uninsured senior citizens will receive an additional 200 euros in December, as will the beneficiaries of disability allowances.

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Increase in minimum wage and pensions, decrease in social security contributions, reform of unemployment benefit

For her part, Mrs. Kerameos stated that the measures of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security are structured around two main axes:

1. The stimulation of employment, with measures such as:

  • Increase in the minimum wage from April.
  • The reduction of insurance contributions by one unit from 1.1.2025.
  • The reform of the unemployment benefit. A pilot program is being planned, with the benefit being adapted to the needs of the unemployed and providing incentives for reintegration into the labor market.
  • Business incentives to support young working parents. The tax exemption of voluntary business benefits for new parents is established. Employers who support new parents with voluntary non-wage benefits of up to 5,000 euros for one year after having a child are exempt from tax on these benefits. The amount will be increased by an additional 5,000 euros for each dependent child, while it is not allowed to reduce the earnings of the new parent during the benefit, as well as for one semester before and one semester after. A tax exemption is also introduced for vouchers provided to employees for nurseries.

2. Support measures for pensioners, such as:

  • The horizontal pension increase from 1.1.2025 by 2.2%-2.5%.
  • The extraordinary support of pensioners with a personal difference. The amount of the aid depends on the sum of the main pensions. The aid will reach 200 euros for pensions up to 700 euros, 150 euros for pensions from 700 to 1,100 euros and 100 euros for pensions from 1,100 to 1,600 euros.

In the next few days the KYA for the free fertility control for women

For her part, Mrs. Agapidaki referred to the two measures announced by the prime minister at the 88th TIF, which were:

  • the free fertility check for women aged 30 to 35,
  • the simplification of EOPYY coverage in assisted reproduction.

“The measurement of the Anti-Müllerian Hormone is a new reliable test, which we want to be reimbursed for women in order to be able to estimate the rate of infertility and enter early, easier and more targeted in the procedure related to assisted reproduction”, said Mrs. Agapidakis.

He announced that the Ministry of Health has proceeded with a request to the Central Health Council (CESY), which is called upon to give an opinion on the criteria so that EOPYY can reimburse this examination.

He noted that a large part of hematological and imaging tests related to reproductive health are reimbursed by 85% and the participation of the insured is at 15%.

Mrs. Agapidaki mentioned that in the next period the criteria and the procedure of the Joint Ministerial Decision will be announced by EOPYY, so that “women will know the path for carrying out this examination”.

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