Measures targeted at the most vulnerable companies and sectors

by time news

To limit the impact of the war in Ukraine, the State undertakes to help several sectors of activity.

After the France Relance, France 2030 plans, intended to support companies weakened by the Covid crisis and to reindustrialize the country, the Prime Minister presented the measures of the “resilience plan” on Wednesday. This time, the government is seeking to limit the impact of the crisis in Ukraine, which has resulted in soaring energy costs, on businesses and jobs. The loan guaranteed by the State sees its borrowing ceiling extended to 35% of turnover, against 25% until now; the deferral of tax and social charges is relaunched; partial activity is extended by an additional twelve months when an agreement has already been signed.

All companies whose electricity and gas expenses represent “at least 3% of their turnover, and which could make losses in 2022” will benefit from “covering half of the surplus of their energy expenditure”, added Jean Castex. Measures that are added to the discount of 15 cents…

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