Media: Nothing to laugh about in Böhmermann’s “Nuhr im Zweite”

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media Media Week Podcast

Nothing to laugh about in “Nuhr im Zweit”

The The

The “Media Week” is a podcast about the world of media and its makers

Source: world

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You can find Dieter Nuhr and his guests funny or not – but do you have to satirize a whole show of the comedians to demonstrate your own rejection? Jan Böhmermann did it. Was that brilliant, somehow funny or just defamatory?

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Jan Böhmermann’s “ZDF Magazin Royale” has just won another Grimme Prize – the award was justified with the playful alternation between information and entertainment. The show from the Friday before last was less about information and more about the pastiche of some comedians.

“Nuhr in the second” was the show that Dieter Nuhr’s program copied in the first – but only inaccurately. Because the ZDF version was supposed to unmask Nuhr and some guests – including, for example, a comedienne named “Millie Probst”, who can easily be recognized as Lisa Eckhart. As disguised southpaws with lame gags about wokeness and other zeitgeist phenomena.

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Die “Media Week” is a podcast about the world of media and its makers. Christian Meier, editor at WELT, and Stefan Winterbauer, editor-in-chief of the industry service Meedia, talk about the most important topics of the week every Friday. Background, analytical, entertaining.

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