Medical residency, is it normal to not be happy during this stage?

by time news

2023-11-07 00:00:25

The Medical residence It is one of the most important facets for doctors who wish to transcend. It is not easy to access this stage because a large number of obstacles must first be overcome. But beyond everything that must be done to obtain a place, the biggest inconvenience is what is experienced inside the hospitals.

To begin with, one’s own Bachelor of Medicine It stands out for being the most extensive that exists. It takes seven years to complete this stage, which includes university, boarding school and social service. But even after completing this part, there are those who continue with their graduate studies.

Medical residency, a dream come true that can turn into hell?

Although it is not the only path, the majority of graduates aspire to be a specialist. It is not enough to have the disposition but it is necessary to obtain a place. Due to high competition and the low number of hospitals, a knowledge test was created.

In 1977, the National Examination of Aspirants to Medical Residencies (ENARM). Since then it has been the mandatory test that must be passed by all those interested in becoming experts.

In this regard, it is not enough to obtain a high score; some hospitals also conduct face-to-face interviews with candidates. In the end, the most qualified are chosen so that on March 1 of each year they begin their new role as training specialists.

The downside is that after overcoming all of the above, the Medical residence It’s not exactly the dream that all applicants had in mind. In fact, during the first few months as R1 is when most youth resignations occur.

The exploitation that residents must suffer

Regarding this topic, the Dra. Nicole Mackintoy, who is currently R2 of Otorhinolaryngology, posted a video about his opinion. The first and most important thing he mentions is that this new facet is never easy but in no way should it be hell nor should it end the initial happiness of the residents.

The adaptation period varies between each person because within hospitals the R1s are the lowest chain within the organizational chart. Likewise, being students and workers at the same time implies both physical and emotional exhaustion.


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♬ Kawaii Aesthetic – LoES

On the other hand, 36-hour days without a break are exhausting. After each one, the only thing you want is to sleep and for this reason, you often have to give up your personal life because there is not enough time to enjoy yourself outside the hospital.

But the most important thing is that it is in no way normal to not be happy during the Medical residence. To date there are some hospitals where there are “hazing” and punishments against training specialists. These types of situations should never be allowed and are responsible for some young people preferring to give up on their dreams rather than continue with this aspect.

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