Medical Transport and Transport Services Affected by IT Attack on Västtrafik

by time news

There have been disruptions to call-controlled traffic at Västtrafik since early Monday morning, affecting medical trips, ride services, and school taxis throughout the Västra Götaland region. However, the disruption does not affect areas such as Gothenburg, Ulricehamn, Borås, and Tranemo. Västtrafik’s communications manager, Åsa Björk, states that a disturbance in some of their transport companies’ management systems has occurred due to an IT attack against a system supplier. As a result, large volumes of travel must be managed manually, causing extended waiting times for customers. Västtrafik advises travelers to refrain from booking trips if possible, as the waiting time may be prolonged. Data encryption during the IT attack has caused ongoing issues, with no forecast for problem resolution. Customers are advised to check Västtrafik’s website for continuous updates on the situation.

Since early Monday morning, there have been problems with the call-controlled traffic at Västtrafik, which includes sick trips, ride services and school taxis.

The disruption affects all medical trips in the entire Västra Götaland region and transport services in the entire region except in Gothenburg, Ulricehamn, Borås and Tranemo.

Västtrafik: Don’t travel

– There is a disturbance in some of our transport companies’ management systems which means that we cannot get the driving assignments out to the vehicles as we normally do, says Åsa Björk, communications manager at Västtrafik’s call-controlled traffic.

According to Åsa Björk, these are large volumes of travel that now have to be handled manually, which means that the waiting time for the customer is extended.

– If you don’t have to travel, you can refrain or wait to book, and if you have a booked trip, you run the risk of the trip being delayed, she says.

The disruption is due to an IT attack

According to Västtrafik, the technical disruption is due to an IT attack against a system supplier at several of Västtrafik’s transport companies.

– There is some type of disturbance that makes the communication not work, says Åsa Björk.

Even in Halland, the call-controlled traffic was exposed to disturbances on Monday, writes Ttela. It was the company Structab, from which Taxi Trollhättan buys its system, that suffered an IT attack on Monday morning in which a large amount of data was encrypted, they write on their website.

At the moment, there is no forecast for when the problem may be resolved, but Västtrafik expects that the disturbance may persist during Tuesday as well.

– We of course regret the problems it causes and right now we are working to minimize the problems and await a forecast. But as a traveler it’s good to keep an eye on our website where we update continuously, says Åsa Björk.

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