Medical warning! Man holds back sneeze and pierces his throat

by time news

2023-12-19 19:53:35

Doctors usually recommend that, Let’s not hold back! However, out of pity or social etiquette, the opposite is done. Without imagining that life could be at risk. This is demonstrated by the case of a man who held in his sneeze and ended up with a pierced throat. How is it possible?

Like other body responses; For example, burping or urinating. Sneezing is a sudden and involuntary explosion of air, which is caused by irritation of the mucous membranes in the throat and nose, describes the National University of Medicine of the United States.

What happens if I hold in a sneeze?

No one denies that sneezing can be uncomfortable. However, holding it back is not a good idea. During a sneeze, the airways receive pressure 150 times higher than what is normally exerted.

Furthermore, the air that is expelled can reach a speed of approximately 40m/s. All of the above translates into the possible risks of experience bleeding through the nose, cerebral aneurysms and tears in the esophagus or pharynx.

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Man pierces his throat for not sneezing

It is true that the vast majority of people have endured a sneeze. It is also true that it is not common to hear the consequences of this, but that does not mean that they do not happen.

A team of doctors from the Dundee University, in Scotland, reported the case of a 30-year-old patient who had been admitted to Ninewells Hospital after experiencing severe pain after holding back a sneeze.

While the experts were examining the patient, they detected a cracking sound when they touched his neck, which revealed a tear in the trachea. However, the injury did not require surgery, only rest (in which he was kept under observation). What happened to him is evidence that holding back sneezes can be dangerous.

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How to sneeze to avoid injuries?

It has already been established that holding out is not an option, but it is possible that where we are making mistakes is in the way we cover you. Therefore we provide you with some tips:

1- Cover mouth and nose: When you sneeze, use a tissue or the inside of the elbow to cover the mouth and nose, avoiding hands, which can spread germs.

2-Keep your mouth open: When sneezing, make sure your mouth is open to reduce pressure on your nose and throat, minimizing the risk of injury.

3- Do not inhibit sneezing: If you feel like you’re going to sneeze, don’t try to stop it, as holding it in can increase pressure in your airways and cause damage.

4-Stable posture: When sneezing, try to be in a comfortable and stable position, avoiding sudden movements that may increase the risk of injury.

5- Breathe deeply: Before sneezing, inhale deeply and exhale slowly to prepare your airways and decrease the intensity of the sneeze.

6- Consult a professional: If you experience frequent, severe or painful sneezing, or if you notice nosebleeds after sneezing, it is essential that you see a doctor, as these symptoms could indicate underlying problems that require medical attention.

Now that you know the risks that can arise if you hold in your sneeze, Don’t you think it’s better to let everything flow?

#Medical #warning #Man #holds #sneeze #pierces #throat

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