Medical warning of a common food supplement that leads to “irreversible kidney damage”, avoid it immediately before it’s too late

by time news
Medical warning of a common food supplement that leads to “irreversible kidney damage”, avoid it immediately before it is too late

When many people suffer from a specific vitamin deficiency, they take a nutritional supplement if they do not find any benefit from taking it orally. We find that those who suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency take it in the form of a drug and this is very harmful to their health as it leads to kidney damage so It should not be taken in the form of medicine and vitamin B, and they must be obtained from food.

Disadvantages of taking vitamin B12 as a drug

We find that vitamin B12 has many countless damages when taken as a drug, despite its multiple benefits for life, and we will explain the extent of its damage through the following points.

  • It causes kidney damage and works on its damage greatly.
  • It leads to liver damage and hepatitis C disease.
  • It works to infect the liver with viral diseases such as B, C.
  • It can cause stomach poisoning.
  • The body absorbs a small amount of B12 when we take it as a drug, and if we take a large amount of it, this leads to poisoning.
  • Significantly high blood pressure.
  • Itching of the skin with redness.
  • Difficulty swallowing and increased blood volume.
  • Change in urine color and a burning sensation during urination.
  • The appearance of acne in a clear way on the face.

Foods with Vitamin B12

B12 should not be taken by oral drug, while it should be taken through the foods in which it is present, and we will explain the foods that contain it in abundance.

  • Eggs are foods that contain a large proportion of calcium, vitamin D and vitamin B12.
  • Milk contains calcium and vitamin B12, so someone who wants to increase vitamin B12 in the blood should eat two cups of milk.
  • Fish Fish is very rich in a large group of vitamin B12.
  • Cheese is very full of calcium, vitamin B12 and vitamin D, and is very useful for pregnant women, especially groats cheese. We have presented, but the harms of eating these things that cause health problems for you

Vitamin B12 rich drinks

There are many drinks rich in vitamin B12, one of the most important of these drinks is milk. It is considered one of the most important drinks rich in vitamin B12. You can have a cup of milk or add it to coffee or add to some food also tuna salad, which is the most food that contains vitamin B12 in large quantities. He likes to eat it, which he likes to eat the liver very much to help you get vitamin B12 with onions for

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