Medicine dominates the list of the 8 highest paid professions

by time news

2023-08-09 00:00:30

A study prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics identified that Medicine tops the list of the best paid professions, but only in the United States.
The specialty that appears in first place is Cardiology with an average salary of 421,330 dollars per year, which is equivalent to just over seven million pesos.
According to research by the Belisario Domínguez Institute, doctors in Mexico earn an average of $16,146 pesos per month.

Patient care offers many satisfactions such as seeing their recovery and receiving the gratitude of each one. At the same time, it also requires a constant preparation that never ends due to the permanent updating of knowledge. But something that cannot be denied is the importance of money. With this in mind, Did you know that Medicine tops the list of the highest paid professions?

Health does have a price

First of all, a common mistake is think that health is priceless. For decades it has been thought that it is wrong to charge for providing this service when it is not. In reality, any professional activity requires a payment to be carried out.

In this regard, it is also necessary to consider the extensive preparation that must be completed to be a doctor. It is too extensive a career and in which the purchase of specialized books and uniforms is required. It is an investment and therefore it is expected to obtain a decent salary at the time of practicing the profession.

In the case of doctors who want to undertake, first of all they must have sufficient capital to take the big step. The Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) requires that all medical offices must have the minimum equipment to provide care. In addition, other types of expenses must also be considered, such as payment to collaborators, electricity, water and rent for the premises.

Medicine dominates the list of the highest paid professions (but not in Latin America)

That said, now is the time to talk about a topic that has a great impact on all doctors. It is about the financial expectation for each one at the moment of exercising their profession.

In this regard, the portal Bureau of Labor Statistics published a list with what are currently the best paid professions. What is observed is that within the first eight places there are seven that correspond to Medicine. Although a very important clarification is that this report only covers the United States.

Based on the results, it is obtained that the profession with the highest salary is Cardiology. On average, a specialist in this area earns a salary of $421,330 per year, which is equivalent to just over seven million pesos.

The second position is for the orthopedic surgeons with a payment of 371,400 dollars per year and in third place are the pediatric surgeons with $362,970.

Among the most striking of the ranking is that the only profession that appears and is not related to Medicine is that of professional athletes. While the complete list can be seen in the graphic at the top.

What is the salary of a doctor in Mexico?

All the figures mentioned above correspond to the reality of the United States and when making a comparison with Mexico there is an abysmal difference. As an example, in 2020 the Belisario Domínguez Institute presented the report entitled The remuneration of health personnel in Mexico: between the love of art and weakly rewarded efforts.

According to the research, doctors in our country earn an average of $16,146 pesos per month, which represents almost a third of the average salary for this profession in countries like Brazil and Spain. While nursing staff earn an average of $9,909 per month. This figure means less than half of what nurses earn in Chile or Italy.

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Health does have a price, why should the doctor NOT work for free?

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