Medicine tops the list of careers with the best salaries

by time news

2023-08-21 19:00:38

The IMCO was created in 2003 with the aim of enriching public decision-making with evidence to move towards a just and inclusive Mexico.
According to the report corresponding to 2023, specialist doctors top the list of careers with the best salaries.
The analysis states that on average specialty medicine receives a monthly payment of $35,033 pesos and general medicine $24,529 pesos.

One of the keys when choosing a profession is to select something for which you feel passionate, although there are also other aspects to consider. In no way can money be overlooked because it is an element that is required for everything in life. With this in mind, Do you know which careers offer the best salaries in Mexico?

The question arises due to the recent report published by the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO). It is a non-profit, non-partisan research center founded in 2003. Its objective is to enrich public decision-making with evidence to move towards a just and inclusive Mexico.

The IMCO periodically publishes reports that analyze the competitiveness of Mexico, its regions and the world through 10 multidimensional factors. These reports compile public policy proposals for the development of the country, which have served as a source of information for national and local governments.

The careers with the best salaries in Mexico

For its part, every year it publishes a study in which it analyzes university enrollment from different angles. It covers both the number of entrances and exits in each career, in addition to other aspects of great relevance.

Within the report corresponding to this 2023 there is also a section that focuses on the careers that offer the best salaries in the country. Based on the statistics there are 118 races registered before the Secretariat of Higher Education (SEP). Although on the list 10 stand out because they are the ones that receive the highest monthly salary.

Specialty Medicine – $35,033
Finance, banking and insurance – $28,336
General Medicine – $24,529
Engineering in electronics, automation and mechanical-electrical applications – $22,877
Electrical engineering and power generation – $22,834
Architecture and urbanism – $22,652
Construction and civil engineering – $22,413
Educational planning, evaluation and research – $22,389
Mechanical Engineering and Related Metalworking Professions – $21,869
Mining, extraction and metallurgy industry – $21,840

From the above it is obtained that the Medical specialists top the list of careers with the best salaries in Mexico. It is also noteworthy that the third place is occupied by general doctors. Both are the only ones from the Health Sciences that appear.

How much do doctors in Mexico really earn?

On the other hand, the IMCO analysis contrasts with the report The remuneration of health personnel in Mexico: between the love of art and weakly rewarded efforts Prepared by the Belisario Domínguez Institute in 2020.

At that time, what was obtained is that the average monthly salary of a general practitioner was $16,146 pesos per month. Seen globally, the figure represents barely a third of what doctors earn in countries like Brazil and Spain.

Meanwhile, based on your reality, what is the true salary of a general practitioner and specialist in Mexico?

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#Medicine #tops #list #careers #salaries

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