Medicines and consultations: Doubling the medical deductible in 2024?

by time news

2023-08-21 18:50:40

DISPATCH — As part of the Social Security finance bill which will be presented in the fall, the government plans to double the medical deductible to save money on health expenses. The French are going to piss off.

Like the finance bill, the social security finance bill (PLFSS) is presented by the government every year at the start of the school year. His goal ? “Controlling social and health expenditure”.

For 2024, it is on the medical deductible that the government has chosen to lean to save. Deducted directly from health reimbursements by social security, this deductible is around 50 cents per box of medication, 50 cents per consultation with a professional, and two euros per medical transport. Without always knowing it, everyone pays their share.

The idea for the start of the school year is to double it. Bercy thus plans to increase this medical deductible to one euro per box of drugs and per consultation.

That being said, the annual cap of 50 euros would remain fixed for the time being. That is, once fifty boxes have been purchased or fifty medical visits have passed, the quota would be filled and you will no longer pay the medical deductible for that year.

The underlying objective of this measure, according to Bruno Le Maire, would be to empower the French. The Minister of the Economy believes that “free or almost free can lead to the patient becoming less responsible” and that such a change would make it possible to put an end to “comfort and convenience expenses”.

#Medicines #consultations #Doubling #medical #deductible

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