Medina Health Council’s Efforts to Improve Safety and Expand Health Services in Villages

by time news

2023-10-11 22:00:00
Medina Health Council Faces Backlash for Plan to Close Health Centers in Villages

The Medina Health Council has announced its intention to close several health centers in villages across the region, sparking outrage from residents who fear a lack of access to healthcare services. The council claims that the closures are necessary due to the poor condition of the existing buildings and the difficulty in finding suitable alternatives that meet safety requirements.

The decision to close three health centers in the villages of Al-Radaya, Al-Fareesh, and Al-Jafr has caused concern among locals, who worry about the potential consequences for their families. Many fear that they will have to travel to the city for medical treatment and healthcare follow-ups, particularly for vulnerable groups such as the elderly and children who require vaccinations. Currently, these centers are operational and providing essential services to families in the villages.

The lack of viable alternatives has only increased the anxiety among residents. Without an alternative center to provide healthcare services, individuals will be left with limited options for accessing necessary medical care. This has prompted an outcry from the community, who are calling on the Medina Health Council to reconsider their decision and find alternative solutions.

Responding to the concerns, Abdul Rahman Hamouda, the official spokesman for the Medina Health Cluster, explained the council’s rationale behind the closures. Hamouda cited the lack of minimum safety and security requirements in the current buildings as the primary motivation for seeking alternative locations. The council is striving to maintain patient safety and meet the expectations outlined in the National Transformation Program and Saudi Vision 2030, which aim to improve healthcare services across the country.

In an effort to find suitable alternatives, the Medina Health Cluster has launched an extensive search for rented buildings that meet the necessary safety standards. Despite their efforts, no suitable locations have been identified thus far. Hamouda emphasized the council’s commitment to meeting the increasing demand for healthcare services in the region and ensuring equal access to quality care for all residents.

The Medina Health Council is now working in collaboration with the Emirate of the Medina region to explore opportunities for establishing new health centers in partnership with the private and non-profit sectors. By leveraging these resources, the council hopes to provide comprehensive healthcare services to residents in villages, centers, and governorates across the region.

As the controversy surrounding the closure of health centers in Medina’s villages continues to unfold, residents remain hopeful that the council will listen to their concerns and find a viable solution that prioritizes their health and well-being. The Medina Health Council must balance the need for improved safety standards with the importance of accessible healthcare services for all communities in the region.]
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