Mediterranean cinema, the Festival is underway

by time news

2023-11-09 14:15:53 – In a dramatic moment for many of the countries bordering the Mediterranean, the twenty-ninth edition of the MedFilm Festival, the review of Mediterranean cinema. For 11 days you will be able to meet the protagonists of the big screen and attend previews and viewings of films from 40 countries.

As the founder and artistic director of the Festival wrote in her introduction, Ginella Vocca, “these are times that attack peace, shed blood and rediscover homo homini lupus: surrendering to what exists is a sensitive risk and an incipient disaster”. Precisely against this risk, the Festival “remains within its vocation of being an image and imaginary of life, where institutions and civil society meet, to see and above all listen to the voices of those who are considered “the others”, the voices of a Mediterranean of life and hypotheses of the future to be built together”.

© Afp

Angela Molina

There are 8 films in competition, from 8 different countries; the one that inaugurates the festival is Endless Borders by Iranian director Abbas Amini, dedicated to the unfortunately increasingly current theme of exile and refugees. Thespite of honor of the edition, in the semester of presidency of the EU Council, is the Spainwith a lifetime achievement award to the festival’s godmother, the Spanish actress Angela Molina. There will then be a special focus on the figure of the great Greek singer Maria Callas“voice of the Mediterranean” on the centenary of his birth.

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#Mediterranean #cinema #Festival #underway

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