Meet the international rolling paper company that is killing it on social media

by time news

Smoking Paper is a rolling paper brand that is known around the world. Its long history and constant innovation mean it has earned itself a privileged standing within the industry.

Smoking Paper receives very positive reviews, both from its regular customers who have known about the brand for years and the newer and younger generations. A lot of this can be put down to the company knowing how to adapt to the market’s latest needs and innovations.

It is always on point and from a geographical perspective, it has no limits. The brand is well known in Spain, Latin America, the US, and Germany, as well as in other countries.

However, to conquer the international market it is well aware of the need to be on the online map. That’s why, over the last few years, Smoking Paper has prioritized its online and social media communities, and it has been a master stroke!

Smoking Paper: opinions on its great customer service

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, and even Spotify… Smoking Paper is all over social media, and it must be doing something right as it has thousands, and in some cases, tens of thousands of followers on its platforms and profiles.

Opinions about Smoking Paper on social media often refer to how great they are with their customers. It is not a typical brand that just shows off its products but doesn’t really interact with its followers and this feedback has been one of the most important factors behind its online growth.

Of course, the brand also creates its own posts. It stands out for the humor of its posts and for its commitment to the environment and the future generations of Smoking customers.

Smoking Snakes and Ladders is one of its latest innovations. Its very own take on this classic boardgame is now available to users of its website.

The memes are nonstop on the Smoking Paper social media profiles and there are regular prize draws where winners can get their hands on some of the brand’s products and merch.

They also share several of the messages they receive with the rest of their followers to show them some of the amazing things they are sent. As a result, this encourages more users to interact with the profiles and helps the community to grow, resulting in more support for the brand.

Smoking Paper and artists’ opinions on them

One of Smoking Paper’s biggest success stories in terms of its customer interaction, which in turn has also enabled it to grow its online presence, has been its appreciation and encouragement of the artistic talents of its followers.  

It promotes all types of different creative work from music, illustrations, designs, and even skate tricks. Any kind of creativity is more than welcome and is often highlighted and shared with the rest of the community, who have a hugely receptive response to this kind of content and share it while expressing highly positive opinions about Smoking Paper. 

It has also encouraged its followers to create unique and collective creations, such as a recent LoFi session set by the artist Cráneo (Sloth Brite).

Opinions on Smoking Paper and its sustainability campaigns

Sustainability is a vitally important subject in today’s society. Smoking Paper’s business is rolling papers, which is why its commitment to sustainability must be clear in this regard. And it very much is, as its products are FSC® certified, which guarantees that the paper comes from forests and plantations that respect biodiversity. 

There are also a lot of sustainability focused opinions on Smoking Paper, thanks largely to some of the different campaigns it has rolled out, such as “Roll with Green”, an initiative which has surpassed its target of planting 165,000 trees and which fights deforestation, while also encouraging its online users to take part in the cause.

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