Meet the next Hassidic star: Rafael Malul

by time news
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Singer Rafael Malul, one of the most promising voices in Hassidic-Jewish music, recently launched his new and energetic single “Shalom” to the tune of composer and composer Elhanan Elhadad. Malul, who is currently working on his debut album, talks about the process of creating and choosing the songs.

Malul, who immigrated as a child from France, tells of the beginning of his musical career, how he almost accidentally came to sing at his first canopy in the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem.

Malul talks about his musical influences, the wedding halls in which he is present almost every evening and the connection with the composer and creator Elhan Elhadad.

Watch the full interview:

For the full songs in the corner of the strainer:

The friends from the Jaffa Gate – Ahalla

Eli Cohen – went with me

Handsome dew – easy to hide

Elon Heitner – I will raise my eyes

The eighth day – a messenger

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