Meeting of the Steering and Monitoring Council of the Foundation for Social Works of Local Authority Civil Servants and its Groups and Bodies

by times news cr

2024-07-24 21:54:19

This meeting was chaired by the Wali, Secretary General of the Ministry of the Interior and Acting Director General of Local Authorities, Mohamed Fawzi, in his capacity as Director of the Orientation and Monitoring Council, in the presence of the Governor in charge of cooperation and documentation, in his capacity as Acting Executive Director of the Foundation, indicates a press release from the Foundation.

This meeting was also attended by several members of the Council, in accordance with Article 5 of Dahir No. 1.20.75 promulgating Law 37.18 relating to the creation of the Foundation, the press release emphasizes, noting that these are representatives of the associations of presidents of local authority councils, members elected from among the members and members elected from among the representatives of permanent civil servants in the joint administrative committees, as well as representatives of the most representative unions in the local authority sector.

The Foundation for Social Works of Local Government Officials, its groups and bodies, recognized as being of public utility, aims to provide a set of social services for the benefit of members and their spouses and children, through the encouragement of housing projects and the conclusion of agreements in favor of members of the Foundation, as well as the conclusion of agreements with establishments and bodies responsible for providing services to members and their spouses and children, in particular those relating to supplementary medical coverage, transportation, medical care, pilgrimage, the pursuit of higher education for the benefit of member children and holiday camps.

Among these services, the same source continues, are the provision of social services, the conclusion of agreements with banks and financial institutions to allow members of the Foundation to benefit from banking services at preferential conditions, in addition to the organization of cultural and sporting activities.

The Foundation’s reference documents were approved, after examination, according to their classification on the agenda, the statement said, adding that these include the internal regulations, the basic status relating to the Foundation’s officials, the organizational structure and the annual budget of the Foundation for the year 2024.

2024-07-24 21:54:19

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