mega-rocket launch to moon postponed due to fuel leak, NASA says

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23h04 : We are closing ! Not without having taken a last look at the main headlines of this Saturday evening.

Bis repeated non place. The launch of the Artemis rocket has again been postponed due to a fuel leak, NASA has announced. The next attempt will not take place for several weeks.

The Zaporijjia nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe, has again been disconnected from the electricity grid, warns the IAEA this evening. It is in a zone of violent combat.

The French basketball team got scared against Lithuania in the second match of Eurobasket. The Blues won on the wire (77-73).

PSG regains the lead in L1 after its victory in Nantes (3-0). A little earlier in the day, OM had consolidated their place as runners-up by winning at Auxerre (2-0).

See you tomorrow, nine o’clock, for the rest of this live.

22h41 : The launch of the Artemis rocket to the Moon will not be retried in the coming days, announces NASA. We will know the date of the next attempt in the coming days.

22h40 : “These are things that we have already experienced in the liquid hydrogen filling of rocket tanks like Ariane. My third space flight aboard Discovery, for example, experienced a launch postponement for the same problem. For this flight there, we had known thirteen different launch dates.

Do not panic after the postponement of the launch of Artemis, relativizes Jean-François Clervoy, at the microphone of franceinfo.

20h45 : What are the differences between Apollo and Artemis (whose launch was postponed this afternoon)? “The cockpit and the controls are of the latest generation and the materials more modern. But if you look closely at the heat shield, it’s just a modernized version of the one used for Apollo at the time.“, underlines for example Kathy Schubert, deputy director of flight systems at the NASA Glenn Center in this report from France 2.


20h04 : It’s 8 pm! Let’s take stock of the news for this Saturday evening.

Bis repeated non place. The launch of the Artemis rocket has again been postponed due to a fuel leak, NASA has announced.

The Zaporijjia nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe, has again been disconnected from the electricity grid, warns the IAEA this evening. It is in a zone of violent combat.

The French basketball team got scared against Lithuania in the second match of Eurobasket. The Blues won on the wire (77-73).

Hundreds of Russians bid farewell to the Soviet Union’s last leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, at a lackluster funeral marked by the absence of President Vladimir Putin.

19h47 : We are still waiting for the NASA press conference, expected in the afternoon, American time, to find out if the Artemis rocket has a chance to take off again at the beginning of next week. Otherwise, the launch will be downright shifted to October.

18h29 : 11 space shuttles had to leave the launch pad to return to the hangar, and two of them did so twice in a row… Artemis, for a first mission, is no exception

18h29 : Note that our national Thomas Pesquet relativizes this second postponement of the launch of Artemis in a tweet.

18h28 : @Citizen The last Saturn launchers, at the end of the program, in the 1970s, were exhibited in various museums, and are no longer operational. The last rocket of this program to have worked dates back to 1975, it is an understatement to say that the technology has evolved a little since then. In addition, the Artemis mission is different, both in terms of its objectives and the volume of spacecraft sent into space.

18h26 : Do you know why the Saturn launcher which proved its worth on several occasions is not reused? Thank you for your knowledge on this subject.

6:11pm : Artemissed, plutôt !

6:11pm : Atos, Portos, Aramis, D’Artagnan and ARTEMiS, the 5th musketeer who misses his sword strokes ????

18h10 : Just for your puns, I’m glad to be back from vacation!

18h05 : Let’s take stock of the news for this Saturday evening.

Bis repeated non place. The launch of the Artemis rocket has again been postponed due to a fuel leak, NASA has announced.

• A decree will oblige manufacturers of smartphones, computers and other connected devices to equip them with a parental control. We explain how it will work in this article.

Hundreds of Russians bid farewell to the Soviet Union’s last leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, at a lackluster funeral marked by the absence of President Vladimir Putin.

17h37 : When will the new launch of Artemis take place? NASA teams will have to analyze all the data before deciding on a new date. We therefore have no official communication on a new date for the moment.

17h22 : If you want to know more in general about the pollution caused by rocket launches, I recommend this BBC article which explains that roughly, the fuel burned by rockets launched from Earth represents 1% of the total consumed by aviation on planet Earth.

17h21 : The #Artemis I mission to the Moon has been postponed. Teams attempted to fix an issue related to a leak in the hardware transferring fuel into the rocket, but were unsuccessful. Join NASA leaders later today for a news conference. Check for updates:

17h20 : It’s official ! The launch of the Artemis rocket is again postponed, this time due to a fuel leak, announces NASA.

17h19 : It’s official just now, no launch today #Artemis

17h19 : Well right now it looks more like “basta rocket” ????

17h18 : @astronomical costs Great question, but I don’t have the answer…

17h18 : What is the energy and carbon footprint of this whole operation?

17h14 : @Gagarin I am not an expert in space conquest but remember that the launches of new rockets sometimes have a difficult start. I think back to the episode of the France Inter program “Sensitive Affairs” on the beginnings of the Ariane program which I advise you to listen to. More recently, SpaceX had also experienced setbacks, and it is difficult to compare the rocket differences, knowing that Artemis must go much further.

17h09 : Disavowal for NASA, right? The reliability of the “old” Vostok-Soyuz launchers still seems to be relevant, in comparison..

17h07 : NASA engineers have just recommended postponing the launch.

17h06 : During tanking of the #Artemis I mission, a leak developed in the supply side of the 8-inch quick disconnect while attempting to transfer fuel to the rocket. Attempts to fix it so far have been unsuccessful. Stand by for updates.

17h06 : Alas, it does indeed appear that the leak is not fixed and caution dictates postponing the launch for the second time.

17h04 : #Artemis It will still be a #nogo for the launch today unfortunately

15h44 : While a leak has been detected since early this morning, and after two attempts to correct it, NASA says it is going “to plan C” to solve the problem (sensor maybe) and still launch on time, at 8:17 p.m. French time @F2Washington

15h25 : The final preparations for NASA’s new mega-rocket for the Moon have been delayed due to a fuel leak, detected a few hours before takeoff of this test mission which is to launch the Artemis program back from the Americans on the moon.

14h18 : The takeoff of the NASA mega-rocket is approaching! Launch director Charlie Blackwell-Thompson gave the go-ahead to begin filling the rocket’s tanks with its cryogenic fuel (a total of about three million liters of ultra-cold liquid hydrogen and oxygen).

13h48 : Countdown is on !! The countdown is on for the Artemis take-off! Take a look: for you, we will be in the front row from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida where we will make you live this historic mission… if all goes well!

13h22 : The count which was blocked at -6:40:00 has just resumed! #Artemis #artemis1 #artemislaumch #nasa for a launch scheduled from 8:17 p.m. Paris time ????

14h19 : Bonjour @Jean Borey. Takeoff is scheduled for 2:17 p.m. local time (8:17 p.m. in France), and remains possible during the following two hours if necessary. In the event of a new impediment today, take-off could possibly be rescheduled for Monday or Tuesday.

1:21 p.m : Hello FranceInfo, do you know when the launch of the Artemis-1 mission rocket will take place (preferably in French time)? Thank you

12:30 p.m : It’s noon, we take stock of the news of the day:

Hundreds of Russians bid farewell to the Soviet Union’s last leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, at a lackluster funeral marked by the absence of President Vladimir Putin.

After a failed first attempt earlier this week, NASA will try again to launch its mega-rocket to the Moon tonight for a test mission to launch its new flagship program, Artemis, fifty years after Apollo’s last flight.

Moscow cuts the Nord Stream gas pipeline. This rebound will accentuate the anxiety of Europeans, who are struggling to avoid an energy crisis this winter and accuse Moscow of using gas as a weapon. Follow our live.

In tears, lip service, Serena Williams announced, after her elimination in the third round of the US Open, that we would probably not see her again on the tennis courts.

10h18 : It’s 9 a.m., we’re doing a first round of the day’s news:

The funeral of the last leader of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev takes place today in Moscow. A minimal ceremony which President Vladimir Putin will not attend, a sign of Gorbachev’s controversial legacy in Russia.

The G7 countries took aim at Russia’s energy windfall by agreeing to cap the price of its oil, prompting a reaction from Moscow that shook Europeans by announcing that the Nord Stream gas pipeline would be completely shut down until repairs were made. a turbine. Follow our live.

After a failed first attempt earlier this week, NASA will try again to launch its mega-rocket to the Moon tonight for a test mission to launch its new flagship program, Artemis, fifty years after Apollo’s last flight.

In tears, lip service, Serena Williams announced, after her elimination in the third round of the US Open, that we would probably not see her again on the tennis courts.

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