Mehran Karimi Nasseri, the refugee from Roissy who inspired Steven Spielberg’s “The Terminal”, died in the airport

by time news

Mehran Karimi Nasseri, an Iranian political refugee, who lived for more than eighteen years at Roissy – Charles-de-Gaulle airport and whose life inspired a film by Steven Spielberg, died there on Saturday November 12. An airport source told Agence France-Presse that he died of natural causes shortly before noon at terminal 2F.

The unique story of Mehran Karimi Nasseri had inspired director Steven Spielberg for his film Le Terminal. Born in 1945 in Masjed Soleiman, in the Iranian province of Khuzestan, the refugee, known as “Sir Alfred”, had taken up residence in Roissy, north of Paris, in November 1988, after a long journey – in search of of his mother – who had taken him to London, Berlin or even Amsterdam.

Each time, he had been expelled by the authorities, for lack of being able to present papers. In 1999, he obtained refugee status in France and a residence permit.

Archive : Article reserved for our subscribers In Roissy, Sir Alfred has been camping on a bench for sixteen years

At Roissy, he had become familiar with the airport staff and an emblematic figure, being the subject of numerous television and radio reports, French and foreign, before the cinematographic consecration.

In 2004, Tom Hanks interpreted his role in Le Terminal, directed by Steven Spielberg. After the film, he would have lived in a hostel in Paris. After spending the money received for the film, Mehran Karimi Nasseri had returned to the airport for a few weeks, added an airport source. Several thousand euros were found on him.

To reread: Article reserved for our subscribers “The Terminal”: Steven Spielberg remakes the world in an airport

The World with AFP

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