melioidosis More than 300 people have been infected. They can’t be cured. They die in 2-3 days.

by time news

Entering the year 2022, less than 3 months from the continuous surveillance of the Department of Disease Control found infected patients melioidosis Added more than 300 by information from the doctor Department of Medicine indicate the severity of the disease that Can cause death within 2 – 3 days if treated improperly.

The Melioidosis Research Center Khon Kaen University reported that During the year 2020 – 2021, there were infected patients. Melioidosis more than 2,000 cases per year and when the infection in the bloodstream not treated quickly The patient may die. The mortality rate is as high as 40 percent and there is currently no vaccine to prevent it. Between 2010 and 2015, Thailand had melioidosis patients. with confirmed germs At least 1,700 cases per year, at least 700 deaths per year, which melioidosis. can be infected Through the skin, ingestion and breathing, bacteria enter the body. May be pus at the site of infection, if the lung is infected may cause pneumonia and can cause purulent abscesses in the lungs and from patient case studies Melioidosis found that this germ can hide in the human body for up to 10 years.

The website of the Department of Disease Control has published Disease Prognosis and Health Hazards Weekly No. 11/2022, Week 12 (20 – 26 Mar. 65) warns people to beware of illness from melioidosis which people with wounds Avoid wading in muddy water.

from the surveillance of the Department of Disease Control Melioidosis situation (Melioidosis) this year. From 1 Jan. – 6 Mar. 65, 339 cases were found, no deaths. The age group with the highest patients was 55 – 64 years old, followed by 45 – 54 years old and over 65 years old, respectively. Most of them were farmers. The provinces with the most cases of patients are: Mukdahan, Amnat Charoen, Yasothon, Sisaket and Ubon Ratchathani

This week’s prognosis and health hazards It is expected that during this period there will be an opportunity to meet the patient. melioidosis (Melioidosis) due to environmental factors. and health behaviors, which people can infect through the skin or prolonged contact with infected soil and water, including eating and breathing bacteria into the body

melioidosis Caused by infection with the bacteria Burkholderia pseudomallei. which is durable to the environment can grow In acidic conditions (pH 4.5 – 8) and temperatures between 15 – 42 degrees Celsius when infected into the body. The incubation period is about 1 – 21 days, or in some cases it may be a year. It depends on the individual’s immunity.

Symptoms are diverse. For example, if a skin infection There will be pain, swelling, white-gray eczema. and may be pus If a lung infection may be caused by inhalation may cause pneumonia and causing suppurative abscesses in the lungs, with symptoms ranging from mild bronchitis to severe symptoms of pneumonia with fever and cough

The Department of Disease Control therefore recommends those who are at risk of infection. melioidosis (Melioidosis) as follows:

1. People with wounds Avoid wading in water, trampling in mud, or touching soil and water directly. If necessary, wear boots, rubber gloves, long pants, or wading clothing. and when completing the mission to cleanse the body with clean water and soap

2. If there is a wound around the skin should hurry to clean with disinfectant and avoid contact with soil and water until the wound is completely dry

3. Eat cooked food, boiled water, etc.

For more information, please contact Department of Disease Control hotline, call 1422

Backbone MCOT has reviewed the information. about treatment and how to prevent Melioidosis was found on 24 Jan 2022, News Agency, Department of Public Relations. has published information that National Research Office Support research funding for Khon Kaen University Study of surveillance, forecasting systems and soil antimicrobial products. to prevent infection adjuvant therapy for melioidosis reduce the mortality rate and reduce costs in the treatment of patients

Prof. Dr. Surasak Wong Rattanacheewin Dean of Graduate School Khon Kaen University as the director of the Melioidosis Research Center Khon Kaen University revealed that it received a scholarship from The National Research Office (NRCT) operates a project on surveillance, forecasting, and soil-reducing products. to prevent infection by such pathogens Bacteria living in the environment especially in soil and water In the northeast, most of them are serious infectious diseases. When an infection in the bloodstream not treated quickly The patient may die. The mortality rate is as high as 40 percent and currently there is no vaccine to prevent it. Between 2010 and 2015, Thailand had melioidosis patients. with confirmed germs At least 1,700 deaths a year, at least 700 deaths a year.

The latest year 2020 and 2021 have 2,793 and 2,191 cases, respectively. This is much lower than reality. The research team, together with the research network of the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health. Develop a model community Nong Ya Rangka Village, Nam Phong District, Khon Kaen Province to enhance knowledge focus on disease prevention and behavior modification of high-risk villagers that have the opportunity to come into contact with the infection and build a model Web-based application prototype prognosis using genetic data More than 500 samples of germs from both humans, animals and the environment were analyzed and modeled to predict the area where the infection will be found.

In addition, rod-shaped, non-pathogenic bacteria found in natural soil were also discovered. but can produce can kill pathogens to produce 2 types of products

+ first type is the spores of bacteria To be used to spray the soil together with fertilizers while planting rice or other plants in the source where pathogens are found in the soil.

+ and other products is the use of such substances to produce a waterproof surface spray To use hand and foot spray to prevent infection. effective treatment more than 98 percent

However, in cases where drug-resistant bacteria are found or new species May cause reduction in the effectiveness of treatment. The research team therefore studied antibiotic synergistic agents using antimicrobial peptides, chitosan nano and bacteriophages. It was found that all three substances were able to kill the pathogens of meliosis. Drug-resistant and destroy biofilm formation (biofilm) of pathogenic melioids. effectively

There is also the concept to bring this synergistic developed into a skin cream containing active ingredients kill pathogenic melioids to test the performance and safety in the laboratory and experimental animals to see the effectiveness of the substance and safety before being tested with volunteers and developed into a product to use as a supplement to treatment in the community population with the epidemic melioid pathogens further

besides the product innovation in disinfection melioidosis from the research of Prof. Dr. Surasak Wong Rattanacheewin Director of the Melioidosis Research Center Khon Kaen University …Backbone MCOT has case data. of melioidosis patients which this disease may be hidden in us for many decades

by information from Dr. Manoon Leechawengwong Head of Respiratory Disease Unit, Head of ICU, Wichaiyut Hospital who posted via Facebook, Dr. Manoon Lee Chawengwong FC, about the disease of melioidosis on May 7, 2018, revealed that

melioidosis showing symptoms after infection through the skin from trampling soil and water in the northeastern region 10 years ago A 53-year-old Thai male patient from Bangkok came to the hospital with high fever, lethargy, fatigue for 3 days. construction work I used to work on the ground, trampled water, sometimes without shoes on. in Roi Et, Surin, Buriram provinces for 10 years, but stopped working in the Northeastern region for 10 years

physical examination of the patient Drowsiness, hypotension, low white blood cell count, low platelet count, renal function, liver dysfunction, onset renal failure, abnormal lung x-ray, right lower right lung pneumonitis.

Blood and urine cultures grow Burkholderia pseudomallei bacteria. Antibiotics were given intravenously, the patient improved, the function of the liver, kidneys, lung X-rays returned to normal. He was hospitalized for 5 weeks and continued taking antibiotics at home for another 20 weeks.

this patient have melioidosis Probably picking up germs through the skin When working in construction, trampling on soil, treading water, barefoot in the Northeast, the germ remains at rest in the body for 10 years when patients develop diabetes. The new germs are released into the bloodstream.

This infection has been reported can remain in the human body for up to 62 years without symptoms But when the body is weak This infection has relapsed new division into the bloodstream like this patient

information from Dr. Prawat Chantharit, MD. Department of General Medicine Department of Medicine Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University disclosed through the website Mahidol University Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital that

melioidosis an infectious disease in Thailand continues to be vigilant the severity of the disease cause death If infection in the bloodstream Therefore, the study should be done together. to understand and behave appropriately

melioidosis caused by bacterial infection The name Burkholderia pseudomal lei (B. pseudomallei) causes many symptoms, including skin infection. lung infection bloodstream infection and infects internal organs (liver, kidneys, brain, bones).

infection through the skin May cause chronic wounds, abscesses or pus on the skin. and may have blisters is a place for bacteria If infected through saliva, such as eating, will cause infection. at the salivary glands The appearance of swelling comes up as an abscess or pus, or may be swollen around the area. lymph nodes in the neck have tenderness

lung infection will cause a fever and respiratory symptoms, coughing, sputum and if x-rays of the lungs may find pus sometimes the doctor confused between tuberculosis

bloodstream infection The infection can enter through the skin or lungs, such as in the event of a wound. The infection may enter through the wound. And can infect the bloodstream. Patients will develop fever, low blood pressure, shock, liver abscess or spleen, and death within a few days if treated incorrectly. besides the infection as mentioned There is also a chronic type of infection. one more type in melioidosis

The dangers of melioidosis is the diagnosis is too late. causing timely treatment resulting in subsequent deaths such as sepsis renal failure or other complications causing other organs malfunction receiving the wrong drug is another reason that can cause the severity of the disease

Germs can enter the body in many ways. This includes through the skin, for example, if there is a wound and walking on soil or water that has been contaminated with germs. can cause infection in the bloodstream through breath In the event that there is a cloud of dust or soil that is infected and inhale causing lung infections will result in symptoms of pneumonia.

in patient care with melioidosis If exposed to secretions have a chance of infection including those who take care of cattle or buffalo, which are animals who can get sick can have melioidosis There are risks as well. For the germs in the carcasses of dead and buried animals, the germs persist in the soil there. and stay forever If touching the land in that area have a chance to get the infection into the body

Risk group including diabetic patients, anemic patients or thalassemia, immunocompromised people, such as people with HIV, including cancer patients in various regions and farmers’ groups. that must come into contact with soil and water with bare feet

It is recommended that you try to wear boots if possible. or if avoiding You can’t walk barefoot on soil and water. Try not to let your feet get wounded. and should be cleaned well after walking on soil and water If you have a fever, you should see a doctor immediately. But first, don’t leave it too long. for timely treatment prevent severe symptoms dangerous

melioidosis can be cured If the diagnosis is correct from the beginning Treatment by giving antibiotics in the first 2 weeks by injection. After that, the doctor will give oral medication. Continue for 5 months if there are complications. may give more medication as appropriate

Reference and thanks for information from:

Website : Department of Disease Control

Facebook : Dr. Manoon Leechawengwong
Mor Manoon Leechawengwong FC

Website : News Agency, Department of Public Relations

Website : Mahidol University Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital

Website : Khon Kaen University

Website : Pediatric Infectious Disease Association of Thailand

Publication Document : Factsheet on Emerging Communicable Diseases
Melioidosis (MELIOIDOSIS) Burkholderia pseudomallei is a bacterial infection called Burkholderia pseudomallei. Symptoms range from asymptomatic to asymptomatic or asymptomatic lung spots. until there is an abscess on the skin visceral abscess necrotic lung tissue or infection in the bloodstream until death
To read, click here >> Knowledge (Factsheet) about melioidosis (MELIOIDOSIS)

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