Meloni: “Recovery in a poke. Where is democracy now?”. VIDEO

by time news

Recovery: Melons, Chambers closed due to majority disputes – “The decision to oust Parliament” on the Recovery plan “was a political choice”, because the government did not want “to find itself in the difficulty of putting together a quarrelsome majority”. But “are you all united in counting absolutely nothing? Is this the national unity?”. Giorgia Meloni said this in the Chamber in an explanation of vote on the resolutions on the PNRR, addressing Prime Minister Draghi and his majority.

Recovery: Meloni, in the absence of answers we abstain on judgment – “A serious party does not vote for a plan like this in the absence of answers and does not accept the method of a plan closed for months in the drawer and then” submitted to the vote with a “take it or leave it”, and for this we must now abstain from any judgment and when our judgment is completed, I guarantee you president that you will be free and not vitiated by partisan interests “. Giorgia Meloni said this in the Chamber, in an explanation of vote on the resolutions on the NRP.

Recovery: Meloni a Draghi, Rome caput mundi with 500 million? – “Roma caput mundi with 500 million? It seems to me a somewhat difficult goal, President Draghi”. Giorgia Meloni said this in the Chamber of the Chamber, addressing the premier regarding his passage on the resources destined for Rome contained in the NRP.

Recovery: Melons, is it normal that Chambers vote in a poke? – “You President Draghi used very high-sounding tones” in the illustration of the PNRR, “he said that those plans contain the destiny of the country. It is true, they are probably the last chance we have and those plans will bind us all for many years and then the question I ask is: do you really think that it is right, normal and responsible for parliament to vote on a document of this magnitude without not having had the opportunity to formulate proposals but even before the time to read it? Is it normal to vote for him in a poke? “. Giorgia Meloni said this in the Chamber, in an explanation of the vote on the resolutions on the NRP.

Recovery: Meloni attacks Fico-Renzi, where is democracy now? – “President Fico, parliamentary democracy cannot be invoked only for palace games” when it is necessary “to make governments not voted by the citizens. And Renzi sent Conte away because he did not consider it normal that the Recovery” was carried out by a group of technicians without “the involvement of the parliament”, “and now where is Renzi, in Saudi Arabia?”. Giorgia Meloni said this in the Chamber of the Chamber in an explanation of vote on the resolutions on the PNRR, complaining that the Parliament “was kept in the dark” and “cannot vote for a closed-box plan”.

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