Meloni wants to discourage Hope. M5S and LeU lock down the Minister of Health

by time news – Fratelli d’Italia punta a to discourage Roberto Speranza for the “bankruptcy” management of the Covid emergency, but M5S and LeU defend the minister of Health and also Forza Italia distances itself by Giorgia Meloni who is currently isolated.

“Brothers of Italy have been denouncing for some time incompetence and inadequacy by Roberto Speranza in holding the important and delicate position of Minister of Health, especially in this historical moment – says Meloni – from the bankruptcy and disastrous management of the pandemic to companies exhausted due to senseless and continuous closures. FdI will present a motion of no confidence towards him and let’s see who will take responsibility for keeping him still in his place. It is no longer a time of Hope, but of courage “.

“We are not in favor of distrust towards the Minister Speranza who is working hard. Then when the pandemic is over we will evaluate the responsibilities and faults of politicians and scientists “, replies the coordinator of FI, Antonio Tajani.

E the pentastellati also arrive in defense of Speranza: “The motion of no confidence announced by Giorgia Meloni towards Minister Speranza is totally out of place. I want to express my solidarity to the minister and confirm that the Movimento 5 Stelle will not adhere to this provocation “, says Rossella Accoto (M5s), Undersecretary for Labor and Social Policies.

The Draghi Government, and even before the Count II, have faced the biggest pandemic and economic crisis since the postwar period, making decisions at all times guided exclusively by rigorous scientific evidence ”, he adds.

His party also squares around Speranza: “It is surprising that those who have had such important roles as Giorgia Meloni does not know that 63 signatures are required to submit a motion of no confidence according to the regulations. In short, there it only shakes to make ammuina. While the country has its head elsewhere “, says the coordinator of Article One, Arturo Scotto. (


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