member political parties sign the coalition’s revised charter – The information in Guinea and in the world

by time news

2023-07-24 17:53:34

The 13 member parties of the National Alliance for Alternation and Democracy (ANAD) proceeded this Monday, July 24, 2023 to the signing of the revised charter of their coalition.


The signatory Parties of the Political Alliance called NATIONAL ALLIANCE FOR ALTERNANCE AND DEMOCRACY – ANAD,

Considering the common will of the signatories to strengthen national unity, to promote democracy, the rule of law and good governance; Considering the need to bring together all political parties and movements committed to the defense of these values; Considering the need to put an end to the instrumentalization of ethnicity for political ends; Considering the fight waged by the alliance to prevent the unconstitutional revision authorizing a third mandate; Considering that ANAD requested, from the first hours of the junta’s seizure of power, the establishment of a framework for structured dialogue, to define the timetable and the agenda for the transition with a view to a rapid return to the constitutional order; Considering the transformation of the electoral alliance into a political alliance to further strengthen and consolidate the efforts of the said alliance Considering the repeated violations of individual and collective rights by the junta and the instrumentalization of justice; Noting the manifest will of the junta to want to confiscate power, Convinced that alternation is a principle of democracy and a guarantee of peace; Decide on this charter governed by the following provisions:



Article 1 : Constitution

A political alliance called the National Alliance for Alternation and

Democracy (ANAD) headquartered in Conakry. The seat may be transferred to any other place in the national territory by decision of the Plenary.

Article 2: Name and Object The National Alliance for Alternation and Democracy (ANAD) is an Association of political parties and movements whose vocation is the conquest, the exercise of State power in respect of human rights and principles and rules of democracy and the rule of law.

Article 3: Objectives

The ANAD has set itself the objective of working by all legal means to enforce the rules and principles of democracy and the rule of law. To achieve this objective, the parties and member movements of the ANAD will consult regularly to define the strategies to be implemented so that its actions and its communication in this regard are effective. Alongside this general objective above, ANAD has set itself the following specific objectives:

Promote a pluralist, participatory democracy, by demanding the organization at all levels (local, legislative and presidential) of free and transparent inclusive elections in strict compliance with good practices and electoral laws; Train, inform citizens about their rights and duties so that they contribute and participate usefully in the consolidation of national unity, in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the country in compliance with the laws of the Republic; Identify and denounce all practices contrary to the law and to the rules of good management of public affairs; Develop synergies between member parties, forge alliances between them if necessary, define by mutual agreement campaign strategies likely to guarantee the victory of ANAD and its components. Federate efforts and define an electoral strategy to lead a campaign promoting collective victory at all levels of elections (municipal, legislative and Presidential) and exercise and govern together.

Article 4: Acquisition of Membership

The ANAD is open to all political parties and movements that accept the provisions of this Charter and decide to adhere to it.

Article 5: Loss of membership

Membership is lost by resignation or exclusion pronounced by the Plenary by a majority of two-thirds (2/3) of the leaders. Specifically, the loss of membership is justified when there is a conflict of interest between the activities and the political line of a member with those of the Alliance, the non-participation in an unjustified way in the plenaries and other Alliance activities. The decision confirming the loss of membership is reasoned and recorded in the minutes and notified to its entity.

Article 6: Rules of good conduct and the sanctions regime

Signatory members of this Charter may not belong to another competing or adversary political Alliance without first resigning. Each member political party or movement has an obligation to respect the other member entities of the Alliance, to treat them as allies and to avoid any public criticism of them. In the event of violation and/or breach by one of the members of the various prescriptions set out above, the following system of sanctions is imposed:

A warning with notification and reason for the sanction A suspension for a period of three months from the activities of the Alliance with notification and reason for the suspension And finally, the exclusion from its structure within the Alliance with notification to its entity and with wide distribution.

Article 7: Identity and commitment of the Parties

The members of the ANAD keep their own identities and their autonomy as political parties. They owe each other tolerance and mutual respect. They undertake to collaborate in Solidarity, transparency and scrupulous respect for their commitments and their identities.

Article 8: The President of ANAD

its forms. The Political Committee draws up technical notes and periodic reports for the attention of the Plenary.

2- The Communication Commission is in charge of defining the communication strategy and the elements of language allowing a better understanding and adhesion of the populations to the vision and the political program of the Alliance. It manages the communication plan, proposing press releases, declarations, press conferences and all other communication activities relating to bad governance and explaining the merits of ANAD’s positions. The different media must be validated in plenary before distribution

3- The Commission in charge of External Relations. It assists the President in monitoring relations with sub-regional and national international organizations, embassies as well as technical and financial partners interested in the promotion of democracy, the rule of law and the protection of human rights.

4- The Organization and Mobilization Commission. It is responsible for implementing strategies for mobilizing populations around the political activities of the Alliance; Organize meetings and reunions; organize and manage peaceful marches to denounce or protest against bad governance, the violation of the laws of the Republic and the rights and freedoms of citizens.

The Legal Committee. It is responsible for ensuring compliance with the transition charter, the application of the statutes of the Alliance Charter and the agreements signed. It proceeds to the reading and interpretation of the laws of the country, of the charter of the transition in order to guide the activities and decisions of the Alliance. It manages, in collaboration with the lawyers of the Alliance, litigation (electoral, political and legal) and defends the interests of the Alliance and its members. It also monitors relations with international and national organizations responsible for human rights.

6- The Electoral Commission: It is responsible for defining the Alliance’s electoral strategy and supervising the process of developing capacities for organizing and managing the electoral process. It also has the role of advising the Alliance on the content of the electoral law. She represents the Alliance with the institutions in charge of the electoral process (MATD, OGE.).

7- The Social Affairs Commission: It is responsible for ensuring solidarity between the members of the ANAD by providing assistance and ensuring the representation of the Alliance in the social affairs of the members (baptisms, marriages, deaths and visiting patients and detainees) as well as monitoring and assisting victims, parents of victims of police repression and political detainees, particularly during demonstrations organized by the ANAD.

The ANAD Permanent Secretariat

The ANAD Permanent Secretariat is responsible for coordinating and managing common services such as headquarters administration, treasury, communication with members and planning meetings. He works under the authority of the President, keeps the official registers, the minutes as well as the archives of the Alliance and fixes the agenda of the meetings. He must work in collaboration with the communication commission.


Article 13: Finances and operation

The activities and operation of the ANAD and its structures are financed by contributions from member political parties and movements. Each member party and political movement agrees to contribute, according to its means, to the ANAD budget. As the elections approach, an ad hoc committee will be set up which will have to define and implement a strategy for mobilizing and managing resources to finance the campaigns for the various elections of the alliance (common basket).

Article 14: Monitoring and Evaluation: A monitoring and evaluation mechanism for ANAD will be put in place. As such, each commission will have to propose an operational action plan.


Article 15: This Charter which is adopted unanimously by the leaders of the ANAD after reading, can only be modified by the majority of the members (2/3).

Article 16: Confidentiality

The member parties undertake to preserve the confidentiality of the deliberations during the meetings of the decision-making bodies of the ANAD.

Done in Conakry, July 24, 2023

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