Members of AMN Special Operations Unit Warn of Harm to State Security due to Legal Revolution: Letter to Prime Minister

by time news

Headline: Special Operations Unit Expresses Concerns Over Legal Revolution, Writes Letter to Prime Minister and Cabinet

Date: [Date]

In a surprising move, the members of the special operations unit of the AMN have sent a letter to the Prime Minister and the members of the cabinet, expressing their concerns regarding the promotion of the legal revolution. The unit, which is considered a critical asset of the defense establishment, has warned of the potential harm to the security of the state that may arise as a result of the legislation.

In an interview with “Shishi Ba Hammes,” a major in the response R. shed light on the position of the signatories of the letter and the reasons behind their concerns. According to the letter sent to the cabinet members, the legislation could cause a “silent and fatal injury” that may have serious consequences in the event of a future war or nuclear threats. The letter also claims that the Prime Minister is aware of the situation but chose to hide it from the public and the media. The unit members fear that the Israeli government’s actions may lead to the destruction of the State of Israel’s most important strategic assets.

R., a senior member of the MM system, addressed the matter and emphasized that the position presented by the unit is not new. They had previously announced that they would not serve if the legislation was promoted. “In mid-March, we implemented it and since then, we do not serve this government, which in our eyes is illegitimate,” R. said. R. further emphasized that the issue at hand is not about technicalities, but rather the damage caused to the unity and cohesion among the fighting and security forces of Israel.

R. also highlighted the public’s focus on the non-appearance of pilots and stressed the importance of formations that receive less exposure but are equally crucial. He compared the damage caused to these formations to a “slow cancer,” stating that although the public may not see it, their significance is paramount. R. accused Prime Minister Netanyahu of being aware of the critical situation of the formation but choosing to conceal it.

The letter has amassed over 1,300 signatories, including senior individuals from the military formation and other security bodies. R. explained that there is a systematic erasure of state systems, leaving them no choice but to take action. “We pray for the adoption of these laws and a broad consensus. If this happens in the near term, it can still be corrected,” R. said.

It is worth noting that this announcement follows a previous statement made in February by dozens of officers in the special operations system, in which they vowed not to volunteer if the legal revolution was promoted. At the time, they warned that the legislation in question would destroy everything they had served and fought for. As a result of the amendment to the law on consanguinity, approximately 450 veterans of the unit have already announced that they will no longer report to the reserves.

As the special operations unit’s concerns continue to grow, this letter serves as a testament to the gravity of the situation and highlights the need for a comprehensive dialogue to address these issues. The unit members hope that their voices will be heard and the potential harm to the security of the state will be averted.

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