Members of the Ayacucho People’s Defense Front attack the Vice Minister of Health, Henry Rebaza Iparraguirre | VIDEO

by time news

This afternoon a group of protesters broke into a restaurant in the Ayacucho region where the Vice Minister of Benefits and Insurance of the Ministry of Health, Henry Rebaza Iparraguirre, was located, to verbally assault him and throw some objects such as bottles and fruits that they were carrying in their hands. while having lunch in the company of four people.

In the images disseminated on social networks, one of the people can be seen and heard rebuking the Minsa official, pointing out that the “Vice Minister of Health was drinking liquor during working hours with his entourage.”

While another group of people with cell phones in hand, was in charge of filming the table, the plates and glasses of wine they consumed, and a bottle of wine that was under the table.

Meanwhile, it is also possible to see Rebaza Iparraguirre rush out of the premises guarded by State security personnel, who struggle with the rioters. Other angry people tried to attack the deputy minister while he protected himself and they are heard shouting “Wretches, murderers, murderers out.”

The presence of the Vice Minister of Health, Rebaza Iparraguirre in Ayacucho, this Monday, March 13, was to participate in the beginning of the school year at the IE “Mariscal Cáceres”, where he took advantage of delivering corrective lenses granted by INO Peru to students from 5 to 12 years.

At the close of this note, it emerged that the group of protesters who attacked the Vice Minister of Health belonged to the Front for the Defense of the People of Ayacucho – Fredepa, led by the former Minister of Labor and Employment Promotion of the Government of Pedro Castillo, Íver Maraví .

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