Memorandum of Understanding between Ast Ascoli and Confederal Unions – Health and Wellbeing

by times news cr

(ANSA) – ASCOLI PICENO, 11 SEPTEMBER – Establish a provincial roundtable for permanent discussion and monitoring of the organization of the health service. This is the purpose of the memorandum of understanding that regulates its contents, timing and methods, signed this morning by the general director of the Ascoli Local Health Authority, Nicoletta Natalini, and by the representatives of the trade union confederations Cgil, Cisl and Uil of Ascoli, respectively the general secretary Barbara Nicolai, the territorial manager Maria Teresa Ferretti and the territorial coordinator Paola Luzi.
Among the topics that will be the subject of information between the parties are: the solidarity fund and socio-health residential care, personnel policies and the valorization of public health professionals, waiting lists and active and passive mobility, the guidelines concerning the organization of the Regional Health Service at the level of Ast of Ascoli with related company documents.
As regards the territorial network: reorganization of territorial medicine and implementation of the territorial assistance network, identification of one-stop shops, the network of Osco (community hospital) and Cot (territorial operations centers) beds, the network of Community Houses, on the emergency/urgency system, on collective prevention, on the social plan and on the poverty plan and on private healthcare under agreement. “Today’s agreement is a starting point, but also a goal achieved”, the comment of the signatories. (ANSA).

2024-09-11 17:24:23

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