Memory lapses, when to worry and what to do

by time news

Memory lapses, when to worry? Professor Alberto Albanese of Humanitas answers all doubts for those who fear having problems with the act of remembering

It can happen to everyone to forget something, from the wallet to the keys to the keys or if the car is locked. For some people, however, memory problems occur a little too often and life becomes enormously complicated. It is not uncommon for these subjects to forget even the simplest and most everyday things. Memory lapses, when to worry? The professor Alberto AlbaneseHead of Neurology in Humanitiesexplains the origin of this disorder and how to fight it.

Memory lapses, causes

For years it has been debated whether the excess of information and stimuli characteristic of modernity, as well as the wide range of useful tools that substantially prevent us from using our memory, can reduce our ability to remember. It is important to underline, says the expert, that by heart it is compartmentalized: “Each time people are called to re-focus attention on different topics, and it is not always possible to be quick to focus and remember. Let’s say that, within certain limits, this is normal”.

The symptoms of some forms of early dementia are the difficulty of finding one’s way around known places or recognizing people. Small gaps in memory in themselves are not worrying, also because the mind can be trained by learning to focus concentration. Lifestyle, that is a healthy and correct diet combined with physical exercise, also helps cognitive functions.

Memory lapses, when to worry and how to prevent

We must therefore worry about memory lapses only when it is really difficult to carry out the activities that we would normally perform with our eyes closed, such as recognizing a friend or relative. In order to train the memory, however, it is advisable to:

  • Keep your mind active with logic exercises, playing an instrument or studying a foreign language
  • Control cholesterol by avoiding it exceeding 200 mg / dL
  • Check your fasting blood glucose to avoid it exceeding 100 mg / dL
  • Not smoking
  • Follow a diet with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fish and lean meats. Dairy products must be low in fat. For cooking use olive oil
  • Control your weight and maintain a BMI below 25 kg / m2
  • Check blood pressure, avoiding that it exceeds 120/80 mmHg
  • Doing aerobic physical activity such as running, walking, biking, or swimming for at least 30 minutes a day
  • Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night with quality sleep

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