Menstruation: Why do Indian women activists reveal the dates of their menstrual cycles?

by time news

photo released, Shahbaz Anwar

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The Alveshan family members are no longer embarrassed by the sight of her period schedule plastered on the door

“A while ago, I started putting a timetable on my door to let my family know when my period was. When my father and brother first saw him, they initially felt a bit surprised and embarrassed. But now they are used to it.”

This is what the young Indian Alveshan says, and she is not the only one in her city who does this, as there are dozens of women who share the same thing after joining a special campaign to raise awareness of women’s need for support during the menstrual cycle, and to reveal the type of problems and changes they face during that period.

Alveshan lives in the northern Indian city of Meerut, 100 kilometers west of New Delhi.

The initiative to launch this campaign is remarkable, as, in many parts of South Asia, simply referring to the menstrual cycle is taboo. In some rural and tribal societies, menstruating women are still forced to seclude themselves in private spaces, and use separate eating utensils.

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